Drunkenness and Pulling

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(Cas and Clara have logged on)

Clara: oh my God, no way did that happen!

Cas: yes. Dean was very unhappy

Clara: is that why Dean's so touchy about Destiel stuff?

Cas: I would assume so *shudders*

Clara: a single man tear... a single man teeeeaaaar

Cas: 😹

Clara: why a cat?

Cas: because I couldn't find a bee

Clara: 🐝

Cas: 🙌

(Sherlock has logged on)

Sherlock: whats going on?

Clara: are you okay, Sherlock?

Cas: you didn't put an apostrophe in "what's"

Sherlock: im fineeeee ma homies.  Lets all go and get some kebabs. I loooooove kebabs 😍😍😍

Clara: Sherlock are you drunk?

Sherlock: psh no

Cas: mhm


Cas: o.O

Clara: okaaaaaaay then

Cas: people do love  you, Sherlock. You just don't see it

Sherlock: really?

Clara: of course! I mean, you saw how devastated John was when you faked your death

Sherlock: *sniffles adorably*

Cas: and it's not exactly like you show your own affections

Clara: or any emotion, for that matter

Sherlock: thanks guys, you really helped 😳

Cas: any time

(Sherlock has logged off to listen to British music and eat British ice cream)

Clara: hey, we make a pretty good team

Cas: I suppose we do

Clara: you wanna hang out

Cas: hang out what? The washing?

Clara: jut come and meet me you adorable nerd

(Clara has logged off to see her little angel)

(Cas has logged off to meet his girl)

(Dean, Sam, Doctor, Gabriel and John have turned off invisibility)

Gabriel: did Cas just pull?

Sam: I think so...

Dean: that's a shame. I'd have loved to get on that

Doctor: 😠

Dean: or not

Gabriel: how did they recover from... *winces and shudders* Tumblr... so quickly?

John: we may never know

Sam: ...

Dean: ...

Gabriel: ...

John: ...

Doctor: ...

John: well I've got to go, Sherlock is singing the national anthem again

(John has logged off to wrestle Sherlock off the British flag)

Gabriel: whale then...

Sam: ?

Gabriel: 😉

(Gabriel has logged off to catch whales)

Dean: the chatroom is still so cruel

Sam: it knows EVERYTHING we're doing. E V E R Y T H I N G

Dean: dude, it's just a chatroom

(That's what you think, Dean Winchester)

Dean: o.o

Sam: o.o

(Dean and Sam have logged off to ward the bunker and their rooms against E V E R Y T H I N G)

(Chatroom has shut down)

A/N: sorry this chapter is so crappy! I just wanted to get out a chapter for you guys. Tried to include some ideas, though I'm not entirely happy with how I did them. Oh well. I'd love some more ideas, and to hear what you think. As always, don't forget to vote, comment etc. Love you guys xxx

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