Archangel's Quest

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A/N: I got replies, so this part will be like a normal story. I hope you enjoy!!


Gabriel edged out into the corridor. After declaring his mission, he had quickly packed up all his essentials- an angel blade, spare change of clothes in case he got too bloody, some cash, and, of course, a couple bags of red lollipops.

He shimmied up the stairs, marching out the front door and surveying his choice in car. The Impala was off limits, of course; even Gabriel wouldn't mess with Dean's baby. He was tempted with the bright red racing car, but even he wasn't stupid enough to pick something so noticeable.

"I guess I'm going with the mini," he muttered to himself.

"It is built to your size."

Gabriel jumped, Rowena's hawklike features etched in an amused smirk. She eyed the keys, the backpack slung across his shoulders, and sighed.

"You're going after Samuel, aren't you? He was kidnapped by the Internet. Do you honestly think we'll be able to track him in the physical world?" she raised an elegantly arched eyebrow.

"Well how do you suppose we find him, then?" Gabriel dropped his backpack to the floor. Rowena's eye twitched.


A lazy smile crept across the archangel's face. "You didn't think I'd be doing this alone, did you? Besides," he stepped closer to her, voice low as he spoke. "I might get... lonely." The look when he stepped back was telling, a mischievous glint his eye. "Are we doing this or not?"


"Gabriel?" Cas wandered down the hallway, head cocked as he listened for a reply. "Gabriel? Are you here?" He turned the corner into the garage, stopping short before he stepped on a strange sigil.

Concentric circles were burned into the ground, alien symbols and writings woven through the ashy lines. Cas stepped back, eyed the work critically.

"Ah, shit."


"They did wHAT?" Dean gaped. "They went into the internet?"

"You're just worried they'll come across your browsing history."

"Shut up, hedgehog man."

"Hedgehog man?"

"Guys, I just got a really weird text," Clara's clear voice cut through the clamour. "It says we found Sam. He's with the girls. We'll try and head back soon. Don't turn the WiFi or we'll die."

"Don't turn the WiFi off or we'll die? They really are with teenage girls," John snorted. The Doctor scratched his head.

"So... that's it? The big build up that we'll have to stage a rescue mission and then it's this easy?" he sighed. "Huh."

"It won't be that easy. What if they encounter the virus?" Case stared at Dean, who squirmed.

"What virus?" Sherlock stared hard at the hunter. "What virus, Dean?"

"The one he got from BustyAsianBeaut-"

"My computer has a virus!" Dean quickly cut over Cas. "I opened a... er... a dodgy email. Man, I never learn."

"Porn? Really?" Clara facepalmed. "You got a virus from fucking porn? Check your sites first! It's what I do."


"What the- who are you?"

"What are you doing here?"

"Get out of the bunker, you ripped ass blondie weirdo!"

"To be fair, that is a good ass."

"Americans are weird."



Sam sprinted down the rainbow tunnel, confident the others were following by the pounding of feet behind him. He dove behind a wall, pulling the others and effectively tucking them all out of sight.

"That could've gone better," Gabriel gasped for breath. "I'm never getting a virus again."

"Fucking Dean," Sam hissed.


"Ya! Who are you?"

"How did you get here?"


A/N: I'll be the first to admit I expected that to go differently. I'm gonna do another part, but, again, it's up to you whether it's a story or if I switch back to a chat room. You can message here or privately, I'm cool either way. How's quarantine going for you guys? Love to hear some funny stories, if you have any.

As always, don't forget to hit that little orange star at the bottom of the screen. Stay frosty 🤟🏻

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