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Hi fellow Discombobulated Students!

'The road to success is never easy' said numerous highly successful people, or something along those lines. The same is true for A Levels, and in this case, English Literature and exams. Sometimes these years feel like a never ending vortex of stress and monotony which spirals ever faster the closer it gets to summer.

Sadly this book is NOT a quick getaway or a short cut, because there is none, instead you have to work hard and persevere while finding or clinging onto any enjoyment you find. The latter is what I hope this book to be. Within these pages you'll hopefully find a bit of humour, insight or advice that sustains your love for literature even if these are only chapter/poem/scene titles and summaries.

I hope your love and passion for the written word in any form will continue throughout the struggle because books are amazing, complicated masterpieces that can bare souls; preserve lost societies and provoke powerful emotions. The books you will be studying have such interesting and peculiar features to them, that marks them out as extraordinary in both their contemporary societies and today. I beg you to hunt these out, not only to get the best marks, but also to enjoy these fascinating texts.

God bless and good luck,

The Discombobulated English Student xx

P.S I'd like to credit the amazing English Department and teachers at Peter Symonds College for inspiring and helping me through my own A-Level. Although the summaries are mine they were formulated through my education.

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