Act 4 Scene 5

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Act 4 Scene 5- love triangle deepens


A room in Gloucester's castle (which is now Edmund's castle)


Regan is suspicious of a letter Oswald has for Edmund from Goneril, suspecting they are in a relationship. 

Regan starts lying to get Oswald to give her the letter, but she makes lies that don't make sense= her decreasing emotional state. 

Continues to try and persuade Oswald to give it over and state her legitimacy to be Edmund's wife. 

Regan tells Oswald to sends a token and hint he should kill Gloucester- leaving one confused Oswald.


Juxtaposition of Cordelia's love and Regan's lust


Oswald's loyalty


'Your sister isthe better soldier' Oswald pg. 193 line 3 GENDER

'Edmund and I have talked/And more convenient is he for my hand/Than for your lady's.'

'if you find him, pray you give him this'

Note: Here comes a lovely, twisted love triangle, then again Edmund is quite an attractive prospect if you slide past his kaniving, plotting mind...... Why do you think Shakespeare o this?? To show the corrupt nature of power? To show contrast with Cordelia's love.... or spice things up a bit? Please comment your ideas below.

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