Act 5 Scene 2

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Act 5 Scene 2- Quickest '5-word' battle in History


Field between the two camps


 Edgar hides Gloucester under a tree before going off to fight. 


2 lines later (sort of),  Edgar comes back saying Lear and Cordelia have lost and are prisoners. 

Edgar takes him to safety... again.


Family relationships- Edgar protecting Gloucester





Hamlet stoicism 'yet it will come- the readiness of all' compare it to Edgars


· 'Men must endure/Their goings hence, even as their coming hither' Edgar pg.237 lines 9-10             -->shows Edgar's stoical p.o.v

Note: This scene is incredibly short and extremely brief, I like to think hat Shakespeare needed some way of delivering the ongoing battle that has been biulding up over the last 5 Acts. Little bit of a let down don't you think? What's interesting is why does Shakespeare pay so little attention to the battle- what is it's purpose? Considering that it is not the main focus what is? Does this tell us what Shakespeare wanted this play to be?

A/N 19/10/2017 : We're nearing the end only the final scene left, I just need to point out a few housekeeping duties,

1) Grab tissues, and ice cream- after this scene you will need a pick-me-up

2) Because soooo much happens in the final scene I have split it into 3 and it will be posted over three days

3) I'm serious about teh ice cream... we're about to go on an even bigger roller coaster ride of emotions

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