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Reason I Love You A.I

Gunnar wasn't the greatest boyfriend in the world – he would constantly forget dates, make you pay for everything when you did go out, and ditch Saturday plans with you to hang out with his friends – but he was still yours and you cared about him more than anything. So it was no surprise that you immediately ran into the bathroom crying when you got to school and found him making out with another girl at his locker.

You had actually been excited to go to school that day – it was the one-year anniversary of when you and Gunnar officially became boyfriend and girlfriend, so you got him a nice gift in honor of it. It was just a simple little book of 'Reasons I Love You' that you'd made yourself – it admittedly wasn't as nice as you wanted to get him since you didn't exactly have your own source of income – but it was as nice as you could get with the money your parents allowed you to have to buy the things to make it.

You held it tightly in your hands after pulling it out of your backpack, closing your locker door and making your way to where Gunnar's locker was to give it to him. You were nervous about whether or not he would like it – he wasn't a particularly sentimental kind of guy – but you were sure it'd still make him smile.

But the moment you turned the corner and his locker came into view, your heart dropped.

There he was, your boyfriend of one year, making out with some girl you'd never even seen before.

You didn't know what to do at first – you just stood there frozen – but when you came out of it and realized people were staring at you, you quickly went in the opposite direction toward the bathrooms. There were already a few girls in there – all of them standing at the mirror – so you kept your head down as you passed them. You dropped Gunnar's present in the trash can before locking yourself in the last stall, your palm pressed to your mouth as you sat yourself down on the toilet seat so they didn't know you were crying.

You knew Gunnar didn't care about you the way you cared about him – God knows you were the only one actually trying – but it wasn't like any other guys were piningfor your attention. You were a nobody in the eyes of everyone else and you may not be bullied every single day of your life, but you knew your place and you knew that it was as an unmemorable part of the student body.

Your plan at that point was to just wait out the crowded hallways – and if that meant arriving to class a couple minutes late, so be it – but you were definitely not leaving that bathroom stall any time soon.

You began hearing gasps outside, but you didn't leave the bathroom, your curiosity being undermined by the fact that all you wanted to do in that moment was cry. Unfortunately, your plan didn't exactly pan out the way you'd hoped.

You heard the squeaks of shoes on the linoleum floor get louder as whoever was running got closer to the bathroom. You didn't think much of it at first – maybe someone just really had to go – but you jumped lightly when people started speaking.

"What are you doing in here?!" one of the girls shrieked from where she stood at the mirror with her friends.

"Out," a male voice said roughly, making the girls quickly gather up their things and scurry out of the restroom. You held your breath, your mind racing at all the possible reasons a guy would be in the girl's bathroom.

Once all the girls were out, the guy came further into the room. You heard the distinct sound of the buckles on a leather jacket clinking against each other as he walked, looking at the bottoms of the stall doors as he searched for feet.

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