Unexpected part2

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"I'm gonna call you Ian," Ashton said in confidence, the infant sending a gummy grin towards him. This felt right and for the meantime Ashton decided he wanted to be the child's father. Even if the law forbade it.  

     It was the sound of a baby crying that made you question if you were in the right apartment. You stepped back out the door then glanced at the letter and numbers: B24. This was exactly the right place which confused you even more. "Ash!" you yelled, slowly entering your boyfriend's apartment once more. You shouted his name again as the crying became louder. Soon Ashton's head poked out from around the corner and he gave you a large grin.

"Hey!" Ashton chirped, his head turning back to look inside his room. Your eyebrows furrowed and you kicked off your shoes before approaching him. Your boyfriend looked exhausted. More exhausted than he usually was and it made you even more curious as to what was going on. Before you even reached his side Ashton ran inside of his room.

"Are you babysitting?" you questioned, wondering if Ashton had convinced some random stranger to let him babysit or maybe it was a neighbor's child. When he didn't respond you let out a huff and began to walk towards his room. Your eyes widened at the sight. There were clothes thrown around, diapers scattering the floor and in the center of Ashton's bed was an infant balling his eyes out. Ashton was on his knees at the edge of the bed desperately trying to calm the child down and change him with no avail. You rubbed at your temples as the crying seemed to grow an octave. "What's going on!?!" you shouted over the crying. Ashton looked back at you with an uneasy look.

"I found a baby," he said, turning back to the infant. You blinked back in surprise.

"You what?" you asked, trying to make sure you had heard him correctly. Ashton repeated the words and then he paused for a second. "When and how did you find a baby?" you asked this time.

"Yesterday morning on my run in the woods," he responded, cursing under his breath when he messed up the diaper change. You rolled your eyes at his actions and then told him to move aside. "I named him Ian," Ashton continued on. The minute you came into view and cooed at the baby Ian stopped crying. "How'd you do that? He's been crying all afternoon," Ashton sighed in relief. He watched as you began to change Ian's diaper. You had a fake smile on your face as you ignored Ashton's words and continued to change the child.

"Oh I know. It's hard to calm down with a crazy man hovering over you," you said, speaking in a baby voice towards the child. Finger brushing over the infant's bare tummy in a soothing manner. You grabbed the wipes and a grimace made its way onto your face at the poop. "What is he feeding you? Nothing good because this is nasty," you said. The tone of your voice was high and happy, but the words were the opposite. You had experience with changing diapers thanks to babysitting jobs over the summer during your teenage years. Ashton quietly watched and he waited on you to say something about what he had just told you. Once Ian was in a fresh diaper you scooped him up into your arms and began to rock him back and forth until he became drowsy. You stared at Ashton in annoyance and he could already tell what was on your mind. After Ian had fallen asleep you laid him back down on the bed and gestured for Ashton to head into the living room.

"You can't yell at me you'll wake Ian up," Ashton quickly blurted the minute you closed the bedroom door. You pinched at the bridge of your nose and began to pace around.

"So you found a baby in the woods yesterday and instead of calling child services the first thing you thought was hey I'm gonna keep him!" you loudly hissed. Ashton timidly smiled at you and then shrugged.

"Did you see his cute little face? I couldn't let him go into an adoption agency...what if he wasn't adopted!?!" Ashton tried to explain.

"Ashton it's a baby! This isn't like you had found an abandoned dog and decided to take care of it. This is a living human that you have to care and provide for. Do you know how much taking care of a child costs?" Your voice had rose in anger and Ashton shushed you. Your face pinched into a scowl and you let out a shaky breath before continuing on. "Ashton this is illegal. You could go to jail for this," you calmly said. His gaze dropped at your words and you plopped down on the couch. "This is on a level of kidnapping even if the child was abandoned," you told him. Ashton wasn't cut out for jail and the fact that he was doing something so reckless worried you. He let out a deep sigh and then sat down next to you. Ashton reached out to grab your hand and he let out another sigh.

"I panicked," he whispered, looking back towards his bedroom door. "I called my mom to explain and she told me to call the police, but I couldn't so I took him in...we can get away with it, Y/N," he said, "We'll just act like you hid a pregnancy." Your hand ripped away from Ashton's grip at his words and you glared at him.

"That kid looks nothing like me! And how am I suppose to explain that to my family, Ash," you pointed out. The child didn't look like Ashton either. People would start to question it all and you feared the two of you would both go to jail for pulling a stunt like this. He went quiet once more his teeth sinking into his bottom lip at your words. All your points were valid and Ashton could tell that you were frustrated with him.

"Then what do you suppose I do?" he asked.

"Do the right thing and call the cops," you explained. When Ashton hesitated with answering, you reached out to grab his hand once more. "I know you have the right intentions Ash. You saved that child's life, so I can understand why you might be feeling attached to him." Ashton nodded at your words and then he ran a hand over his face, slumping back into the couch. Ashton had always wanted children of his own. The two of you had even discussed it at some point. This baby had somehow became Ashton's child in the most unexpected way and you could already see he wasn't going to give him up that easily. "Why'd you name him Ian?" you questioned, deciding to change the topic. Ashton perked up at your words and he bit his bottom lip to stop the grin from spreading across his face.

"I thought it was a cute name plus he looks like an Ian don't ya think?" he responded. You rolled your eyes with a chuckle and nodded.

"Yeah he does look like an Ian," you smiled. Ashton grinned at you and he began to lean in for a kiss. Before your lips could even touch a small cry came from his room. You exhaled deeply from your nose at the sound and Ashton's forehead rested on your shoulder as he groaned.

"See he's already sensed when we need alone time and decided to cry," Ashton chuckled, getting up from his spot to retrieve the child. You shook your head in response and sat back in your spot as Ashton's warmth left you. He came back a few minutes later with Ian in hand. "Why won't you sleep for more than five minutes?" Ashton asked Ian as if the child could respond to him. Ashton sat down next to you and propped Ian up as best as he could, supporting his head. "This is Y/N," Ashton, pointed at you and you smiled sending a small wave in Ian's direction. Ashton turned on the television so that it wasn't quiet. You watched as he continued talking to Ian, babbling on about who knows what. You bit onto your bottom lip as you began a mental battle about the situation at hand.

"Fine," you sighed out in a huff. Ashton glanced over at you with a raised eyebrow and you rolled your eyes. "I'll go along with this but at some point, hopefully after a month, you'll do as both your mother and I suggested and call the cops." Ashton smiled and he felt himself tear up at the fact that you were going to go along with his plan.

"Thank you, Sunshine!" Ashton exclaimed, pulling you into a kiss as carefully as he could with Ian in his arms. "We're gonna be a family now," Ashton told Ian, sending two big kisses onto the child's cheeks. You watched with a hint of worry in your eyes. All of this was too risky. Yet you loved your boyfriend and was going to support him through anything. Regardless of how insane, reckless, and a bit stupid his idea was.

5 seconds of summer imagines/preferenceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon