Unexpected part 1 A.I

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Warning: Mentions of Abandonment     

     There was always something about a morning run that Ashton loved. The smell of fresh air, his lungs burning with each step he took. The usual route Ashton took was blocked off by construction, so instead he decided to run along the hiking trail. It was drizzling out making the trail muddled a bit. Ashton's breath came out in pants as he continued his trek. His legs were aching at an extreme. It was a good kind of ache and the music blasting through his headphones edged him on even more. Ashton had been running for nearly an hour, the sun starting to rise higher in the sky and warm the cool morning air. After a few minutes Ashton came to a stop and he bent down, hands resting against his knees as he tried to catch his breath. His left hand came up to look at his watch and Ashton made a mental note to himself that he had thirty minutes to get back home, shower, and head out for his meeting. He reached back to grab a water bottle from his backpack and flipped open the cap. After taking a chug of water Ashton continued on his run.

Something was screeching loudly and had somehow managed to go over Ashton's music. It had gotten to the point of annoying Ashton that it suddenly peaked his interest to figure out where the noise had come from. His running had begun to slow and soon Ashton came to a stop. Ashton was a panting mess, sweat dripping from his face as he pulled his earbuds out to listen. It was quiet for a few moments and then the sound picked back up. Ashton's eyebrows furrowed and he knew how dumb it was for him to follow the sound, but he did anyway. The screeching grew louder as Ashton moved closer to the sound and the more he listened Ashton seemed to recognized the sound. It was that of a baby's whine. One of an infant no less. "It can't be," he muttered to himself coming to an abrupt stop at the sight of the black trash bag. Ashton felt his blood run cold and he hesitantly approached object. The trash bag moving about as if something was in it. When Ashton's foot stepped on a branch and it snapped the crying stopped. "Please don't be what I think it is," Ashton whimpered already feeling the tears spring at the corner of his eyes. He bent down and with shaky hands Ashton grabbed the opening to the bag. Ashton's breath hitched in his throat as he opened the bag and a cry of agony left his lips at the sight of the child. "Fuck," Ashton hissed, pulling the bag open even more.

Tiny whines left the child's lips and Ashton's hand ran through his hair in frustration. "Is anyone else out here!" Ashton yelled, looking around to see if someone else was there. That maybe the child's parents were close by. He looked down at the baby, the little boy had to be around two maybe three weeks old. Hands tiny and face red as he cried harder. Ashton began to coo at the infant and he slowly reached into the bag to pick the child up. "I gotcha sweet face," Ashton hummed, bringing the child up into his embrace. He began to rock the child, trying to soothe him. Ashton sighed deeply and he stood up with the child in his arms, making his way back towards his car. Once Ashton made it to his car he opened the back door and laid the infant on the seats. He pulled out his phone not sure what to but call his mom.

"Hey Ash," his mother's cheery voice filled the line.

"H-Hey mom I uh-I have a situation," Ashton sighed, looking down at the infant that was staring at him with big eyes.

"What kind of situation," Anne questioned, her voice now matching the tone Ashton had.

"I um-I found a bab-a baby," he stuttered out. The line went quiet and Ashton sighed in frustration.

"What do you mean you found a baby?" Anne asked, confusion laced in her voice. Ashton gripped at his hair and he tried to think of a way to say this lightly. How was he suppose to explain something like this to his mom.

"I was out on my run and the usual route I take was being worked on, so I decided to take a run on the forest trail right," he began to explain, "There was this sudden screaming and I went to investigate."

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