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Hold Your Breath M.C
"God damn it you fucking prick." Michael mumbles as he glances at his phone while a shiver rakes down his spine. Calum and he were supposed to meet up tonight to have a talk about some personal things considering the band, on Calum's proposal. Michael knew Calum had been having trouble with certain decisions and was desperate to talk about them.

That's why it actually blew Michael's mind that Calum was the one to cancel their plans for this evening. Michael on the other hand, was actually looking forward to having a drink with his mate, away from all the stress that came along with the band, touring and fans.

"Well fuck it." Michael groans before he turns around and pushes the door open to the local bar where they were supposed to meet. Michael's eyes scan along the perimeter in search for a free spot in the crowded bar. Friends were chatting with one another, laughing, and Michael's face contorted in a grin when his eyes fell on the open spot near the end of the bar.

"Excuse me, is this spot taken?" Michael addresses the girl who has her gaze trained on her half full whiskey glass. Michael sees her body twitch, probably not expecting someone in such close proximity addressing her, but when she turns her head to meet his gaze, her face remains rather stoic.
"Oh, no. Please, have a seat." She motions to the empty bar chair besides her and her black nail polished finger traces the rim of her glass absentmindedly.

Michael orders a beer with the bar tender and at first, he occupies himself by glancing at the different alcoholic beverages displayed behind the man who is mixing up cocktails. At least four meters of glass is covered in diverse bottles in a broad variety of colours and shapes. His attention is drawn back to the female in a long, black dress when her arm raises her empty glass to silently direct the bartender to make her another one.

"I'm Michael." He speaks up, both of his hands cupping his beer bottle as he shoots a genuine smile in the mystery girl's direction. She raises his head and gives him a tight lipped smile before responding. "I know; I think everyone knows who you are." Her answer is so brisk and dismissing Michael's cheeks taint with a bright red hue, embarrassment taking the upper hand.
"I'm Y/n."

Michael doesn't know what to say, and so he decides to keep quiet. Somehow, he had expected this woman to be a bit more open, seeing her occupation of the evening. But her gown, as well as hair and make-up show that she was supposed to be somewhere completely different tonight. It intrigued Michael.

"Why is a rock star like yourself out all by his self?" Michael can hear the smirk without even looking at Y/n, and it kind of enjoys him that she is such a straight forwarded persona.
"My bassist bailed on me. Why is such a lovely girl all by herself, with whiskey, none the less?" Michael's head motions to the full glass in front of Y/n and she shrugs her shoulders nonchalantly, as if the words she was about to speak were of no matter. But you could she see was hiding something.

"To forget." Her answer is yet again brisk, but emotion is laced through the simple words. She brings her glass to her lips without glancing at Michael once, eyes trained on the same bottles of liquor Michael had been observing recently. He waits for her to elaborate on the matter, but when she doesn't he decides to take the rest of the conversation in his own hands.

"Forget what – " Michael starts, but stops himself almost immediately when he sees Y/n turn her head and subtly glaring in Michael's direction. " – Never mind. Need someone to help you forget?" At his words, the tiniest of smiles forms on her nude coloured lips. "I'd like that."

"I guess we're going to need a few more drinks then; don't you think dear?" Michael winks at Y/n and a goofy smile makes his way onto his lips when he sees the pinkish colour her cheeks get. He orders her a cocktail that's easier on the stomach than the whiskey she has been consuming for god knows how long, ordering himself another beer.

"What's it like to be internationally famous?" Her lips suddenly blurt out the question which had been pondering through her mind as soon as Michael had walked in. He isn't really surprised to hear her voice her curiosity, because it was something he had to explain on a daily basis.

"It's amazing – enthralling, but also exhausting. Constantly eyes are watching our every move, but seeing all those people coming to our shows and blaring our lyrics along with us makes it all worth wile." Michael sighs dreamily as he thinks back of the last show they had done together before their break, just over two weeks ago.

"That sounds like a real thrill. Which I had such an exciting life." Y/n lifts the tip of her veil and Michael can't help but to be intrigued. "Then what do you keep yourself busy with in your daily life?"
"I work in a music store."

Michael's lips take on the shape of an 'o' before he grins. "So you're on the opposite side of my world!" Y/n lets out a scoff and Michael brings his beer to his lips while he waits for Y/n to respond.
"More like two worlds colliding right now. All I get are ten year olds wanting to buy their first guitar and then realising it costs more than twenty dollars."

Michael laughs loudly at Y/n grumbling out what she might be dealing with on a daily basis. "Watch it Y/n, I was once that ten-year-old." It draws a tiny chuckle from her lips, her hand raising to cover her mouth.

"Okay, let's have one more drink." Michael winks at Y/n while he raises his arm to catch the attention of the bartender, and when Y/n speaks up Michael stills in shock.
"And then we'll leave?"

"Well – I mean, I – " Michael stutters as he feels the heat crawl all the way to his ears. His gaze flicks from Y/n's eyes to the floor, the ceiling, the bottles behind the bartender, anywhere as long as it isn't on her face. When he does peak a tiny glance, he sees her face contort into something that resembles sadness.

"Don't you want to? I'm sorry, I got the vibe that you –" Y/n abruptly stops her sentence while shaking her head, chugging the last of her cocktail down her throat, ready to leave. Michael knows she's feeling embarrassed right now and stops Y/n's leaving with his hand on her fragile arm.

"I want this more than you think dear. But I am scared that you and I might not be thinking clear." Her movements still before she slowly backtracks and lets her bum rest on the bar chair once more. "Does it really matter?" Her head tilts just the slightest bit, her gaze filled with wonder and Michael can't help but to be completely smitten by her beauty.

"I guess not." Michael smiles, which brightens when he sees Y/n sink her teeth into her bottom lip. "Then let's leave. Fuck that last drink." Y/n's fingers slip between Michael's, resting on his lap, and she gives it a subtle, small pull. Michael's stomach flutters with her eagerness and he believes the grin he sports because of this amazing, enthralling female will be permanent.

Michael throws a few bills in the direction of the bartender, who winks in acknowledgements as Y/n raises to her feet and tugs Michael up as well. "Someone's eager."
"I'm curious to see what I will learn." Y/n simply states as she pulls Michael through the mass of people, fingers still intertwined. As they both stumble outside, Y/n loses her footing on the few steps as her heels slips, Michael coming into rescue as fast as humanly possible.

His arms are around Y/n's waist and he holds his breath when he hears the beautiful girl he had spent his whole evening talking to, carelessly laughing for the first time.
"You're amazing."

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