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His/Your Child From a Previous Relationship Calls You or Him Mommy/Daddy

Calum: You, and Calum had been dating for six months now, and already his daughter was attached to you. "Alright Scarlet, what do you want to be for Halloween?" Calum asked, picking his daughter up, so she could look at Picture Wall full of costumes. You stood behind them with a cart full of Halloween decorations. "We have princesses, witches, fairies," you said, pointing at the ones you were saying. Scarlet continued to look at the wall with wide eyes. "I'm going to look at some costumes too," you said, before heading over to the Adult Female section of the wall. Scarlet perked up at this, "I WANT TO BE LIKE MOMMY!" she shouted, wiggling out of Calum's arms to run over to you. A shocked look made it's way onto Calum's face, and he stood frozen in his spot. You picked Scarlet up, her words going over your head. "We should be pirates," you told her, showing the costume you wanted. She nodded, looking towards her father. "Daddy! You be pirate too!" she smiled, making Calum smile. He walked over to the both of you, placing her back in the cart. "Yeah, we could match as a family," he said. You raised an eyebrow at him, a smile making it's way onto your lips. "Oh really?" you asked, calling over a sales associate to get your costume. "She called you mommy," Calum whispered to you, "I like the sound of that."

Ashton: "Can you please pick up Adam for me?" you quickly said into the phone. "My boss wants me to stay in late, and I was supposed to go to his soccer game, and get dinner afterwards, he's going to be so disappointed." Ashton let out a small laugh, "Babe, breath. I'll be happy to pick him up," he told you, hearing a sigh of relief leave your lips. "Thank you so much, I'll see you tonight," you last said before hanging the phone up. Ashton looked at the time, there was nothing for him to do at the moment, so he thought he might as well watch the soccer game. Once the game had ended, Adam ran up to Ashton giving him a hug. "Where's mom?" he asked as the two walked to the car. "Sorry bud, she had to work late, and couldn't make it," he explained, "You're in luck though, we can have a guy's night. What do you want for dinner?" Adam thought for a moment before choosing Buffalo Wild Wings. Halfway through the dinner, Adam spotted his coach two tables down. "Coach Davids!" he shouted, waving the guy over. The coach got up, and made his way over to their table. "Hey Adam, you did great in the game tonight," Coach Davids said, giving him a pat on the back. "I want you to meet my dad," Adam said, pointing over to Ashton, who was caught off guard for a minute, then smiled shaking the coach's hand. "I'm Ashton," Ashton said, introducing himself. "Well Ashton, you've got a star player on your hands," the coach said. Later that night when everyone was headed to bed, you watched in amazement as Ashton gushed over your son calling him his dad.

Michael: You had left Michael alone to babysit your little twin girls. The two of you have been in a relationship for two years now, and were living together. Your girls, not really knowing what to call Michael at the age of 4, decided on calling him Mikey after hearing you say it. This girl's day out had been played months before hand, and you were excited to see your friends since you hadn't seen them the whole week; being busy with work, a relationship, and the girls. Michael loved your daughters like they were his own, he was fatherly to them, and the girls seemed to be the stars of his Instagram photos. "Let's play dress up!" Zoya shouted, grabbing onto Michael's hand, and pulling him to her's and Zola's room. "You want me to play?" Michael asked, usually you were the one to play dress up with them. Zola nodded, "I have a tutu to match your hair," she said. His eyes widened, "We need to do his hair, and add a princess crown," Zoya said, reading Zola's mind. Michael gave them a smile, but on the inside he was scared. By the time you got home, it was mid-day, and you could hear giggles come from the girls' room. "Hey, what's going on in he-Michael?" you questioned. In front of you, they were having a tea party, Michael in a tutu, his hair did up, a crown on his head, and makeup on his face. "Hey babe!" he called waving over to you, "Mommy, doesn't daddy look pretty!" Zola yelled making Michael grin like an idiot. You laughed, "Daddy does look pretty," you said, taking out your phone to snap a picture. "I think the boys would love this," you smirked. "You didn't!?!" Michael shouted, getting up to chase after you, resulting in everyone getting in a tickle war.

Luke: His son had seen two women since he was born, his birth mother, and you. Soon it was only you his son saw, his mother deciding she needed a fresh start, and that she wasn't ready to be a mother anyway. After that, Luke was left to raise his son as a single parent. He wasn't alone though, he had his family, his friends, and he had you. "Okay, spaghetti and meatball night!" Luke said, lifting his son into cart. "I love spaghetti and meatballs!" Cameron shouted, lifting his hands high in the air, making Luke smile. He pushed the cart into the store, heading towards the aisle with pasta. "Mommy's making it right, cause yours is bad," Cameron said. "What?" Luke asked, the cart screeching to a stop, "Did you just say mommy?" Cameron nodded, "Are you talking about Y/N?" Luke questioned. Cameron sighed dramatically, "YES MOMMY!" he shouted. Luke smiled, this was the first time his son has called you mommy. "Wait, you don't like my cooking?" Luke gasped, starting to push the cart again, deciding to grab more stuff. Cameron became quiet, "Mommy cooks better," he whispered to his father. Luke chuckled, "She does make great food," he agreed, ruffling his son's hair. You smiled as Luke and Cameron walked into the house. "Hey babe," Luke said, kissing your cheek, and setting the bags on the counter. "Guess what Cameron called you," he whispered. You raised an eyebrow, "What?" you asked. Luke smiled at the thought, "He called you 'mommy,'" You smiled, starting to tear up, "Are you serious?" you asked, him nodding in return. For the rest of the night, you were grinning like a fool.

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