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Uma's POV

I wake up to loud thunder so reflexes make scream and I see Harry jump up and hug me calming me down

Harry:Calm down it's ok

I start shaking and Harry lays me down and kisses my forehead

Harry:It's ok Uma I got you I promise

Harry lays down next to me and wraps his arms around me comforting me


I rest my head on Harry's shoulder his muscular arms around my petite body

Harry:I love you

Uma:I love you too

I cuddle up to Harry's chest and fall asleep for a few more hours

Uma:Good morning

Harry:Good morning beautiful I fished out a couple of bass and some waters they're on the stove


Harry looks at me taking my shirt off and changing into a button up



Harry:Did you enjoy yourself last night

Uma:Yeah everything but the break up sex

Harry:I loved the sex

Harry walks closer to me and wraps his arms around my waist

Harry:How'd you sleep

Uma:Pretty bad considering the thunderstorm

Harry looks in my eyes and knows how bad his piercing blue eyes have an effect on me so I let him kiss me and sit me on the bed until we hear Gil screaming


Harry and I look at Gil blushing but also embarrassed

Harry:Gil...We aren't back together

Uma:Yeah Gil we're just kissing


Uma:Gil c'mon don't yell

Harry:Yeah Uma and I are nothing but lust

Uma:Yeah nothing but lust

Harry:Close the door


Gil closes the door while smirking at us and I get attacked my Harry with his lips

Uma:Harry stop!

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