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Harry's POV

I wake up to see Uma on top of me sleeping she decided to stay with me because of my condition

Uma:You ok?

Harry:Now I am

Uma:Babe keeping your feelings inside like you did last night isn't healthy you might drive yourself to the limit next time

Harry:I know but I was always taught your not a man if you cry and that's what I live by

Uma:Harry you can't live by something that makes you break out like this

Harry:I know

Uma:Any time you have an issue just call me

Harry:Thank you Uma

I kiss Uma and I my hands make way to her waist making me pin her to the bed

Harry:Once before class will have you begging for more love

Uma:Doubt that

Harry:Don't insult the little general Uma


Uma stands up and kisses me and walks in the bathroom


Harry:I'm coming just give me a minute

I grab a rope put it on and walk out the door and Gil puts his hand on my shoulder

Gil:Are you ok

Harry:Yeah I'm great Uma and I talked for hours last night and made passionate love making this morning

Gil:Wait seriously




Harry:Hey Jay

Carlos:You and Uma had sex?


Ben:Ya know transfered fluids-----

Harry:I got it mate believe I got it

Jay:So did you

Harry:A gentleman never kisses and tells


Harry:But I'm not kissing and telling I'm fucking and wether my captain and I do have sex in order to find out if have to kill you so the fact that Uma roughly pulls on my hair screaming my name is our business...have a nice day

I start to walk away and Ben scractes the back on his neck

Ben:Dude we share a wall so either you are amazing in bed or Uma just agrees with you a Lot

I turn around and smile and fairly godmother hands me a slip

"Meet me after class"

Harry:See ya then

Uma walks towards me and grabs my hook toying with the tip


Harry:My queen

I kiss Uma and wrap my arms around her Jay starts screaming


Harry:You see dick


Harry:I don't know come here

I pull Uma in a kiss and sit down

2 hours later

Uma:I have to study I'll see you  later


Uma:I love you

Harry:I love you too kiddo

Uma walks away and I walk to fg's desk

Harry:You wanted to see me?

Fg:Oh yes we have a new student

Harry:Cool what does that have to do with me

Fg:I was thinking that you could show him around and stuff


I walk to Uma's room and see her studying

Harry:Hard at work love


Harry:You look beautiful


Mal walks out the bathroom and grabs Ben's jersey and puts it on

Mal:Hook boy

Harry:Dragon Tails

Uma:Mal why can't you sleep in your room again?

Mal:Because mine was burned in a tragic dragon accident and since Melody went fathoms below you have an extra bed

Uma:What did you do

Mal:Nothing serious just burned 2 beds and a tv set and most of the floor


Mal:So Hook boy what are you doing here

Harry:Visiting my girlfriend



Harry:Yes my queen

Uma:Seriously why are you here do you need something

Harry:Yes my captain

I walk to Uma and kiss her and Mal turns on the tv

Harry:What are we watching



Mal:I'm inviting Ben


Harry:Why are you happy

Uma:Because Ben owes me money


Uma:We had a bet



Mal:I'm sorry what?

Uma:We bet you'd burn your room by the end of the month

Mal:That is so disrespectful

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