💘We were love🌷

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Kris' POV

I walk to class and see Cj sitting in the seat she usually sits in the one next to me...this should be fun



Kris:I um I got this made for you

I slid Cj a card I had made for us

Cj:Why are you doing this


Cj:Returning all this stuff

Kris:Because it belongs to you

Cj:Kris stop doing this

Kris:Stop what stop loving you? Because that's never gonna stop I promise

I grab Cj's hand and she pulls it away and I grab it again

Kris:You told me you loved me did you not?

Cj:I did

Joshua:Hey Cj I heard you were single why don't you quit crying over a loser and get with a real man

Joshua:Hey Cj I heard you were single why don't you quit crying over a loser and get with a real man

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Kris:Hey can't you see were having a conversation

Joshua:C'mon pipsqueak

I begin shaking with rage and Cj starts staring at me


Kris:Not now

Joshua:I hurt your feelings huh? No wonder why Cj dumped you

I grab a glass beaker and slam it on Joshua's head and grab his shirt

Kris:Say some shit like that again I swear I'll do worse nod if you understand


I let go of Joshua and look at Cj's who's looking at Joshua and me in disbelief

Kris:I have a bit of a temper



Cj:We'll talk

Kris:Cj I don't want you to be afraid of me

Cj:I'm not we'll talk just somewhere with no glass

4 hours later

I walk in Cj's room and see her Henry and Harry praying

Harry:May mother watch over us and protect us through think and thin

Henry and Cj:Amen

Cj looks up and sees me at her door and she looks at Harry and Henry

Cj:Get out


Cj:Yeah get out


Henry and Harry walk out the room and I sit on a chair

Kris:When we had ya know intercourse did you think this was gonna happen

Cj:No I didn't my question why won't you let me go like I asked

Kris:Because your love is the best thing I got and it's just begun and it's never gonna stop

I stand up and walk to Cj who's sitting on her bed and I grab her hand and pick her up

Kris:Are You or aren't you in this for the long game like we said

Cj:I'm in this for the long game

Kris:I thought so

I pull Cj closer to me and I can tell she felt my length because her face was blank but I kiss her anyway

Kris:I missed your lips kid

Cj:I missed yours but what about your parents and sister

Kris:They have nothing to do with how I feel about you

Cj:Are you sure

Kris:Positive if Mal can date Ben with no judgement I can date Cj Hook

Cj:There is something I wanna tell you


Cj:I'm pregnant


Cj:I'm pregnant

My eyes roll to the back of my head and everything goes black and Cj screams

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