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Patrick's POV
I walk in Uma's room and see her pointing a bow and arrow at me

Uma:Patrick I am not in the mood for a Pan or A Hook and the moment

Patrick:Hey I know your feeling pretty down about Harry

Uma:Please don't mention his name or else I will let go of this arrow

Patrick:I promise I'm not here to talk about him

Uma:What do you want

Uma drops her bow and arrow and turns around grabbing her hoodie and I put the love potion in a water bottle and Uma grabs it

Patrick:I just wanted to say hi ya know have no hard feelings between us

Uma:No hard feelings? Your father tried to kill the love of my life's father so I think that you and I will have pretty harsh feelings

Uma takes a sip of the water and stares at me as if she's in love

Patrick:How do you feel

Uma:Did I ever tell you how sexy your tattoos are?

Patrick:Let's dicuss this over dinner

Uma grabs my hand and walks out the door and takes me to the court spotting Harry instantly making him punch a wall


I smirk at Harry and kiss Uma not taking my eyes off of him and he walks to us

Harry:Patrick...get off of her

Patrick:Or what

Harry:Patrick I will murder you

Patrick:Then get it over with

Harry draws his sword and Uma stands in front of me

Uma:NO I won't let you kill him

Harry:Uma what?You hate him

Uma:I had a change of heart just like you did

Harry:Uma You can't be  serious

Uma:I love him

Harry puts his sword away and walks away sadly

Uma:I didn't think he would give us any alone time

Patrick:He would have eventually


Patrick:I'd like that

3 hours later

Harry's POV

I was ready to talk to her and get back together with her we talked about kids and marriage and she just moves on like that?

Gil:Hey dude

Harry:I'm sorry about yesterday I was in my emotions a little too much

Miles:It's fine she knows you didn't mean anything by it

Gil:Dude are you ok

Harry:No I was gonna go to Uma's room and talk to her and try and work things out I mean what couple throws it away like it's nothing and no feel anything about it she was my true love

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