⚓️The issue⚔️

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Harry's POV

Gil and I are following Uma and Pan after she trapped him

Gil:Where do you think he's going

Harry:I don't know but shut the hell up

I see Uma kiss Pan and I become furious and I see a dagger being thrown at us

Lost boy(James):Seems like Hook didn't age very much did he?

Pan:Seems so isn't that right Uma

I feel a dagger being held against my throat and I see one being held against Gil's

Pan:These daggers can end one's life and trap your soul in it forever

I notice another shadow resembling my hook

Harry:Is that what you did to Mila

Pan:Mila...Oh I remember she liked getting on her knees an awful lot didn't she boys

I hear the boys laughing and agreeing with Pan and I also see Uma pull her sword out

Luke:Seems like Uma was on their side too

I watch as Uma gets disarmed and tied up


Pan:One more word I end your life with one cut

I see my dad jump down and stab Pan with a dagger

Hook:There were not than 2 daggers kiddo

I see Pan's lifeless body fall on the ground and I see the lost boys attack my dad


Harry:What I'm not cutting you

Gil:The ropes I'll untie you after to cut me

Harry:For the first time your smart REALLY

I grab my small blade and cut through Gil's ropes and Gil throws a huge piece of wood at the boys and I see Paige hold a dagger to Uma's neck


For the love of god I pull my wrists apart and tackle Paige making her pass out and I pick Uma up and look for Gil


Gil and I run on the ship following after Smee and My dad

Harry:Uma are you ok she didn't hurt you did she?

Uma:I'm fine just a couple bruises and cuts

Harry:C'mon I'll take to you the cabin and I'll get you all bandaged up

Uma and I walk in the cabin and see Miles sleeping

Miles:Did I miss something

Uma:You missed a lot

Miles:Shit what happened

Uma:Pan is dead



I start to bandage Uma's wrists and upper arms and kiss her

Uma:I'm gonna need some rest

Harry:I'm gonna see you later ok

Uma:I love you

Harry:I love you too

I kiss Uma one more time and kick Miles out and walk out myself

Hook:How is she

Harry:She's a fighter she's pulling through

Gil:I almost died I can't wait to tell dad

Harry:You can't tell him

Gil:Why not

Harry:Because you won't be able to because as of yesterday you and I got accepted into Auaradon prep



3 hours later


I rush in Uma's cabin and see her sitting off her bed

Harry:You ok

Uma:Harry seriously


Uma:Hook shorts?

Harry:They are comfortable but what do you need

Uma:I can't sleep babe

Harry:Do you want me to lay down with you?

Uma:Yes please

I lay down next to Uma and kiss her forehead and let her cuddle into my body


Uma kisses my chin and falls asleep

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