💉My drug, My person💑

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Uma's POV

I walk in my room and lock the door and fall on my bed sobbing from the conversation Harry and I had he's just gonna throw everything away like it's nothing.

Neal:Uma...I'm sorry about what happened

Uma:You ruined my only chance at happiness the only person who understands me probably hates me right now and all you can say is sorry

Neal:Uma look your gorgeous and smart and funny if Harry can't see that he's a dumbass

I see Harry open the door and look at Neal and I and I could see the pain in his eyes that he tried to hide

Harry:I wanted to talk about it to see if we can get back together but I can see you and Neal are happy together


Harry slowly closes the door with tears in his eyes and I push Neal out of my room

Uma:Listen Neal I don't want you I'm not interested in you in any type of way you ruined my life and I don't think I ever wanna see you again

Neal:I get it...

I slam the door in Neal's face and pick up the broken glass Harry broke yesterday and I notice the picture next to it

I slam the door in Neal's face and pick up the broken glass Harry broke yesterday and I notice the picture next to it

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I start sobbing until Gil walks in


Uma:What are you doing here

Gil:Harry told me you cheated on him so I wanted to have a second opinion

Uma:Gil I didn't cheat Neal burst in my room and wrapped his arms around me and tried to kiss me and Harry saw something that didn't happen and you know how Harry gets whenever it involes me

Gil:Uma I'm not sure how to tell you this

Uma:Just spit it out

Gil:Harry is with Mal

Uma:I know I saw and I don't think I should try and win him back if he's happy with her

I start tearing up and Gil wraps his arms around me pulling me in his embrace as I lose my control of tears

Poetry class

Fairy godmother:Uma would you like to share your poem with the class

Uma:I'd rather not

Fairy godmother:Uma this is apart of your grade


I stand up and walk to the front of the class having everyone stare at me including Mal and Harry who's sitting together

Uma:"For he is kind for he is smart for he's loving and will always have my heart one mistake was all that it took he carved my heart out with his pointy hook yes I loved him and importantly I lost him for he was mine and I was his it was ruined and it took less than a kiss I miss him till this day he's my first love we share a soul as I promise you my word is my bond and my bond with you is gone

I hear applause and I sit back down wiping the tears from my face and I feel a hand on my back which is Carlos' trying to comfort me

Carlos:I know it's hard

Fairy Godmother:Harry poem now

Harry:It's a bit too personal for me to read in front of the class

Chad:JUST READ IT Uma did and her's is like a sob story


Mal:Harry c'mon just read the poem

Harry:It's your fault

I walk to the front of the class and see Uma trying to hold her tears back which means this is gonna be hard

Harry:Our love is the most puriest thing on earth like a rose's fragrance or a child's birth love me never hurt me for if you hurt me I will lose control your blue braids for every day we loved I will never lose you for you are my first love

I see everybody stare at me and Uma


Jay:Did you say BLUE braids

Harry:No I said----

I get cut off by water being poured on me


Mal:I'm going to talk to Ben

Harry:Wait Mal


Mal storms out the door and I look at everybody and I see everybody staring at me and Uma looking down at her feet

Fairy godmother:Are you ok

Harry:No I'm in love I'm not ok

I storm out the room and sit on the bench only to see Jay and Evie walk the room

Evie:You ok

Jay:To be fair she was never meant for you Uma is

Harry:The day Uma and I get back together is the day I become a pan

Evie:No seriously Uma was made for you Carlos is in there comforting Uma because she hates not being with you

Harry:Then why did she cheat


Uma walks out the room and trips on my foot dropping her books

Harry:I'm sorry

Uma:No it's fine

I get off my seat and grab Uma's books and see her tear stained face

Harry:You ok?

Uma:Yeah I'm fine

Harry:Well here...

I hand Uma her books and she runs off and Jay pushes me

Jay:Go and get her

Harry:No Jay I'm not doing that I loved her like she said "My word is my bond and my bond with you is gone" my bond with her is gone Jay

I storm off to my room kick the door in and see Melody naked and Miles on the bed


Harry:Be careful demi-gods are pretty mucb known to fall out of love in a matter of days

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