❤️My OTP💍

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Harry's POV

I can't believe what happened between Uma and I seriously she sleeps with me and dumps me

Uma:Harry...It's time for dinner

Harry:I'm not hungry

Uma:You need to eat

Harry:You need to be with me

Uma:Oh my triton you and I are officially done you and I----

Harry:For you I'd wait a thousand years

I walk off to the deck and see my dad walking towards me

Harry:I bet mom would know what to do

Hook:I bet she would

I feel my dad's hand pat my shoulder and I feel shaking at the boat

Hook:Get inside

Harry:You go i'm dropping the anchor

I run to the anchor and see lighting strike down



I see Uma tackle me to get me out the lighting and bump her head hard on the rail


I pick Uma's unconscious body up and run in her room

Gil:What happened

Harry:She got her head bumped

I press a warm rag on Uma's forehead and she slowly wakes up

Harry:You ok?

Uma:Yeah just a little bump

I'm so overcome with happiness I kiss Uma not caring about the aftermath and trying to block out Gil screaming


Harry:I know

Uma stays silents for a few seconds and looks at me with her doughy brown eyes

Harry:Gil can you give us some alone time?

Gil walks out the cabin

Uma:So what are we?

Harry:You me and the sea baby

Uma:Shut up and Kiss me

I press my lips on Uma's and lay her on the bed

Uma:Wait Harry

Harry:What's wrong

Uma:Not tonight please I'm not trying to get into anything

Harry:Ard kiss first?

Uma pecks my lips and stands up and walks out to the deck

Hook:Hello Uma



I walk to Uma and wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her

Uma:James and I were just talking about Neverland

Harry:Is that right?


Harry:You left in such a hurry you would think your gonna jump overboard

Uma:Shut up

Uma playfully hits my arm and kisses my cheek and my dad walks away

Uma:I'm gonna go and catch some fish

Harry:I already caught some


Harry:And cooked it how you like it

Uma:Your the best

Uma hugs me and walks to the dining room and I follow after her only to see Gil eating a bunch on bass he caught the day before

Harry:You didn't eat the ones I caught today did you

Gil:No I ate the ones in the cooler and one in the fridge

I smack Gil in the back of the head and walk to the fridge

Uma:Harry don't get mad at him we can spilt the fish

Uma walks to me and kisses me to calm down

4 hours later


I walk to Uma and sit down next to her

Harry:What's up

Uma:Just wanted to see if you'd come


I peck Uma's lips and continue to shine my hook and my dad's

Uma:I'm gonna go to bed


Uma:I love you

Uma walks to me and kisses my cheek and walks in her cabin

⚫️🔮Black Magic💕🥀Where stories live. Discover now