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the camp in england was downtrod and men from the 107th were missing in action. I worried for Bucky but I was waiting for Steve to help me get them back. He came soon with his USO show and the boys weren't treating him very well. Peggy and I found him backstage drawing watching the rain. 

"I take it they weren't very pleased with the performance?" I asked.

"I don't know how to make them happy only girls seem to do that." He replied.

"Well we're glad you're here." Peggy said.

"I know but I'd rather be doing this than be stuck in a lab. Bond sales increase in every state I visit."

"Is that Senator Brandt I hear? These are your only choices? A dancing monkey?"

"Or a lab rat? Most of the boys have been through hell I was waiting to tell you." I said stopping the sentence.

"Tell me what?" Steve asked.

"The 107th was attacked but I don't know about Bucky. I didn't want to write you telling you he might be missing."  Steve got up and ran to Colonel Phillips.

"Well look who it is the star spangled man with a plan. What is your plan today?" He asked.

"Sir I need to see if a sargeant James Barnes is on your casualties list." Steve replied. "B-A-R-" The colonel cut him off.

"I can spell son it sounds familiar I'm sorry." He said and I couldn't deal with that I knew what we had to do. I walked ot Howard.

"I need the suit we talked about." I said and he handed me the box with the suit I agreed on. (picture) 

"The fabric I created it will protect you from your elements, it's also good for your hand to hand combat. Good luck I'l be getting the plane started up." Howard said and I met Steve and Peggy at the plane we got up into the air and Howard flew us through.

"We'll get you two as close as we can to the HYDRA base. This is your transponder press this button when you're ready and we'll get your location. We were strapped into parachutes.  Then HYDRA planes started to shoot at us. 

"As soon as we jump you two turn around!" I shouted.

"She's right go as soon as you can we'll do what we need to." Steve said.

"You can't order me!"Peggy shouted.

"The hell he can't he's a captain!" I said and we jumped taking the parachute we didn't land very far from the camp. We caught a ride in a truck and we knocked the men out quickly and effieciently. We broke in and got to the prisoners. I knocked out the man and Steve took the keys.

"Who the hell are you two?" One POW asked.

"Captain America and Ellie." Steve said. We went down and Steve unlocked it. 

"Everyone get outside and raise hell before you leave for the camp." I ordered.

"Do you two know what you're doing?" one man asked.

"Sure I've knocked out Adolf Hitler over 200 times." Steve said and I smiled. We went off to find Bucky.

"Bucky!" I whisper shouted and heard a groaning coming from a lab room. "Steve!" I said and nodded towards the room. I saw Bucky strapped to a table.

"Bucky!" Steve said and we unstrapped him.

"Steve? Ellie?! What are you doing here?!" He looked at me.

"I can't explain right now but I will we need to get you out of here." I said and Steve helped me help him up.

"Come on." Steve said.

"Steve. Ellie." He replied.

"We thought you were dead."

"I thought you were smaller." Bucky said to Steve clearly he wasn't aware of Steve's new size. We were huddling out of there.  "What happened to you?" He asked Steve.

"I joined the Army." Steve replied if it we weren't in the situation we were in I would've laughed.

"Did it hurt?" Bucky asked.

"A little."

"Is this permanent?"

"So far." We ran and then things began to blow up I used wind to block the blow away from us.

"Whoa!" Bucky said and then we saw him.

"Captain America! How exciting! I'm a great fan of your films! And Elizabeth lovely to see you again!" Schmidt said and I could  feel the rage pouring off of me.  Steve  kicked him and he stood back up and cracked his neck. "No matter what lies Erskine told you, you see, I was his greatest success!" He ripped off his mask showing the red skull.

"You don't have one of those, do you?" Bucky asked and Red Skull left. 

"We got to take this one at a time!" Steve said the metal bridge was beginnning to fall.

"Let me strengthen it with my powers." I said and held my hands out manipulating the metal to strengthen it and hold our weight longer.We crossed and we got with the POW's we released and we walked back to camp.  Bucky and I talked the entire way. "Schmidt knew me because my father, Dr.Erskine who developed the serum once worked for him. HE injected me with it, he wanted me to be his bride. Dad got me out. But I discovered I could control the elements. I wanted to help people and we made Steve the way he is now. When I got over here though and I heard you might be missing and my heart broke.  But you're here now and that's what matters to me." I said and kissed him passionately. We soon got into camp and saw colonel phillips. 

"Sir we'd like to turn ourselves in for disciplinary action." Steve said and I nodded agreeing with him what we had done was completely uncalled for. 

"Not necessary." The colonel said and left us. Bucky put his arm around me.

"Let's hear it for Captain America and Captain Element!" He shouted and they cheered for us. I didn't know what we would do next but I knew that Bucky would be with me no matter what.

Loved,Lost, and Found Again (Bucky Barnes Love Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora