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We fought together the Howling commandos. Including Bucky, Steve and Myself we had destroyed all of Schmidt's factories and now we had to find the secret base Bucky had told us about. We heard that Dr.Zola was going to be on a train and we were going to intercept it.  We got there and hung the zipline. Bucky and Steve were talking.

"Remember the time I made you ride the cyclone at coney island?" He asked Steve.

"Yeah and I threw up?" I laughed at Steve's reply. 

"This isn't payback is it?" 

"We'll be fine let's go."

"The trains going at top speed." Gabe said.

"This sounds like fun." Falsworth said.

"We got a ten second window. We miss that window we're bugs on a windshield." Steve said.

"Mind the gap." Said falsworth. 

"Alright come on bugs!" Dugan said and we lifted off.  We jumped in and there were robot like things attacking us. 

"Steve get to the front Bucky and I will hold him off!" I said and started to use my powers.

"You ready?" I asked Bucky.

"More than enough." He replied and we began to fight. The robot was tough I could say that much. We had a man going but the robot shot the door bursting it open and ripping the metal. Bucky was holding Steves shield and was knocked back onto the door.  We incapacitated the robot and I went to Bucky as did Steve.

"Bucky!" I cried and Steve did too.

"Just hold on Bucky. Grab my hand!" Steve said.

"Bucky hold on!" I shouted but it was too late the handle broke off. I watched the man that I loved fall to his death. "Bucky! No!" I cried. Steve climbed back in and held onto me. I cried and cried and cried. The man that I loved was gone. The rest of the boys came in. 

"Where's Barnes?" Dugan asked.

"He's d-dead o-one of the H-HYDRA b-bastards knocked him out he held on but the h-handle b-broke." I cried hiccuping inbetween sobbing the words. 

"Come on let's get back." Gabe said and Steve picked me back up. 

"We will take Schmidt out Ellie. I will avenge Bucky. For you." Steve whispered and I just kept sobbing the boys didn't like seeing me at my weakest point. We got back to base and Steve and I walked to an abandoned bar. I drank with him but the serum couldn't let us get drunk well Steve could'nt I was slightly tipsy and sad not a great combination. Peggy walked in to see us. 

"It wasn't your fault." She said I was holding onto Bucky's dog tags. 

"Really? He gave me these that night at the Stork club told me he wanted me to have them if something happened to him. I told him nothing would now look at us." I sobbed she held me.

"listen to me you too Steve. Did you love your friend?" She asked. I nodded and so did Steve.

"Then you have to accept that this wasn't your faults. And give Barnes the dignity his choice deserves. He died to save his best friend and the woman he loved. 

"I don't care I'm taking Schmidt out. You in Steve?" I asked and I got up.

"I'm in let's do it." 

Loved,Lost, and Found Again (Bucky Barnes Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now