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We drove out of there with Sitwell. Sam was driving and I was in the back with Sitwell and Tasha.

"HYDRA doesn't like leaks." Sitwell said. 

"Then put a cork in it." Sam replied.

"We got to find a way to stop this." Steve said.

"There's no way!" Sitwell shouted he was pulled from the car and then a man with a bionic arm pulled away the steering wheel. 

"It's him!" Tasha said.

"Wait him who?!" I asked.

"Winter Soldier master assassin I'll explain more with we live." She replied.

"Good thing I got these weapons." I said and ready my powers. The car was crashing and we jumped out. Steve pusjed Tasha and I out od the way when he hit us with a rocket launcher. 

"You go the opposite way of me we'll distract him and use your powers." She said.

"Good thing I can bend metal right?" I asked and we divided. I went towards sTeve and natasha began to shoot at him I gave a gust of wind and flew up towards him. "Yoo hoo." I said and  he shot at me I blocked the metal with my powers. "Haven't dealt with me before huh?" I asked I could only see his eyes they looked strangely familiar. Tasha shot at him but I also jumped in. I shot fire and then ice.  

"Tasha!" I shouted. 

"Come on!" She replied we placed a bogey behind a car which he threw a bomb at. We snuck behind him.  We fought she disabled his arm and then I froze it. It took a little bit to break the ice.

"Come and get me!" I shouted as Tasha got civilians away.  I saw her go down with a bullet wound. I saw Steve come by. "Steve!" Shouted and jumped in with him.  We fought together I was good at hand to hand. "You haven't fought me before and I don't work for SHIELD so stand down!" I shouted Steve got the grunt of the fighting but I used my powers to block some bullets. It was intense we had to get out of tehre somehow. He had a hold of steve's shield I grabbed it and intercepted. "Steve!" I threw the shield towards him. Suddenly in the heat of the fight his face mask fell off and Steve somehow broke his ar a little ad he stood up. The face I saw was inasnely familiar and I remember it as if it were yesterday. 

"Bucky?!" Steve and I shouted in unison he looked into my eyes and I knew it wasn't the same man.

"Who the hell's bucky?" He asked and I knew that they had done something to him that was the love of my life. 

"Bucky!" I shouted and Steve held me back as Sam kicked us and he ran away.  "Steve let me go!"

"There's nothing we can do here Ellie just stop." Steve replied this team came and told us to stand down Steve dropped his shield and we surrendered.  We were led into a swat truck and were being taken back to base.

"It was him, he looked right at us and he didn't know us." I was still teary.

"How is that even possible? It was seventy Years ago?" Sam asked.

"Zola. When we found him during the war Zola had been experimenting on him." Steve said.

"Something he did helped Bucky survive the fall from the train. They found him and brainwashed him.

"Ellie, Steve it wasn't your fault." Tasha said she was weakening. Then why did it feel like it was our fault I leaned onto Steve.

"Sir she's losing a lot of blood we need to ge that wound treated. " Sam said but the guard threatened him and hit the other guard. It was agent Hill she had visited me in Washington not but a couple of months. 

"Gosh that thing was squeezing my head." She said and we blasted out. She took us to a secret bunker. 

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