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We got back to my house and we walked in hand in hand.

"How could you not tell me he was here?" It was Steve and Sam staring me down I stood in front of Bucky.

"Because I just got him back Steve! He asked me to help he remember who he was who he is!" I shouted. 


"I remember everything Steve. Ellie took me to the smithsonian I saw the exhibit everything came flooding back it was a bit overwhelming to saay the least but I've got my mind back. I swear Steve It's really me." Bucky walked in front of me and put his hand on Steve's shoulder. 

"Bucky? Are you really back?" He asked.

"I'm with you to the end of the line pal." He replied and they hugged. They were friends again and that made me smile. 

"There's another thing Steve, Bucky pulled you out of the Potomac." I said.

"I know I may have been out of but I saw you, Tasha kept telling me I was seeing things but I knew it was you Buck. I'm so glad to have you back." Steve said and then we all hugged. Maybe things would be okay for us. It wasn't as if SHIELD could come after us. After all you couldn't charge someone with something they never truly meant to do. Bucky was a puppet and maybe he could help us at SHIELD as a way to wipe out the red in his ledger. That's what Tasha had done. He could too. 

"If you two would like to stay for awhile I'll cook something."  I said.

"Sounds great I'm starving." Sam said and I walked into my kitchen. My phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked.

"I just got heard from a little bird that Barnes has his memory back. I need you to bring him in Ellie." Nick replied.

"What are you going to do with him? He was brainwashed Nick he can't be held responsible for his actions." 

"I know I want you both to work for us. Let him wipe the red from his ledger like Romanoff."

"That sounds good but I have to clear it with Bucky you understand right Nick he never meant to do the things he did." 

"I know Ellie I understand and we know the connection bith you and Cap have to him, I know I sound like an Ass but I'm really not you know."

"I know goodnight Fury." 

"Ten o'clock tomorrow my place I want Rogers there too." 

"Alright." I said and hung up suddenly arms wrapped around my waist. 

"What was that about?" Bucky asked.

"It was Fury he wants You, Steve, and I to come to his place tomorrow." I replied.

"He wants to arrest me doesn't he?" 

"No he wants you to work with SHIELD, well what's left to help us, wipe the red from your ledger. I told him I had to talk to you first." 

"I'd like that to do something good after all these years of bad." 

"It wasn't you and Nick understands that. So does Natasha, she was the same way." 

"I know I read her file when I worked for HYDRA." He said grimacing at the metion of their name.

"Then you understand that I won't let them take you away from me again." I said and he smiled kissing me. I put my fingers in his hair. "Remind me I have to cut this later." I said and kissed him again. "Want to help me make dinner?"

"Actually we were thinking how about Pizza. Sam, steve and I are really having a good time in there. So is little Bucky."

 "I'm glad you get along with my cat more than me." I joked.

"Ellie never. I love you." He replied and I kissed him before grabbing the phone. 

"Alright go back and play with the boys I'll get the pizza." I said and he left the kitchen I ordered four cheese I knew those boys would two just the three of them. We sat and stuffed our faces and Sam and Bucky got along quite well for being enemies the day before. Sam understood that this Bucky and the Winter Soldier were two completely different people. I was grateful that he did. That night I unlocked my door and Bucky stayed with me. I cut his hair back and shaved his face. "There's the Bucky I remember." I said and he laid down with me cuddling me with his good arm and his bionic one.

"Goodnight Ellie." He said.

"Goodnight Bucky." I replied.

"I love you." 

"I love you too." I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep my world was right again that was all that mattered.

Loved,Lost, and Found Again (Bucky Barnes Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now