Chapter 3

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For ForijCati

My eyes shot open when I heard a small giggle. It was still dark in the rooms. I could see Mitch awake in his bed as well. He sat up, throwing a pillow at the bed behind me. I sat up as well to look over. Todrick was underneath Travis.

"Hey. Shit heads!" Mitch was whispering as loudly as possible. "Go have sex somewhere else." I tried to swallow the lump in my throat. That was a little too close for comfort. And somehow turning me on. I felt a shock against my arm. Mitch had the taser pressed against me.

"What?" He jerked his head in the direction of the bathroom.

"Go take a cold shower."

"Why are you helping me? I thought you wanted me to stay the way I was." He pulled me out of the bedroom towards the bathroom.

"You can still pretend and get out of here. I can't." He shoved me in the bathroom before shutting the door. I didn't take a cold shower and I didn't take care of myself. I just sat on the counter of the sink and thought about what was going on.

Mitch seemed like such a jerk. But then he was nice to me. He was giving me advice or helping me when I got a problem that was cause by my unnatural likes. He confused me. It seemed like a barrier was put up. One that wasn't going to break. He's hiding from something and the only way he would express himself was to be cocky. Then it was times like a few seconds ago where he let down those walls just a little and I was able to see the real him for a while. I came back to the shared room after awhile. Todrick was the only one back in his bed.

"Travis, stop. Oh shit." I heard Mitch whisper like he was out of breath. Who's genius idea was it to put four gay sexually frustrated teens in a room? "I said stop it!" Travis stumbled back into the room. Mitch came in not long after. He crawled back into his bed.

"You use to like that."

"I'm not going to be your second booty call." Mitch threw the covers over his body. Travis groaned, falling back in his bed. That's when Seth barged through the door. He shined a flashlight in my face.

"Why are you not in bed?"

"Bathroom." I flopped back onto my bed. He left without another word. I sighed loudly.

"Good thing you're not a blabber mouth." Mitch had a teasing smile on his face. "I thought I might have to shut you up myself." I found that I was smiling back at him.

"I've never kissed a boy before." I was egging him on. He made a fake moan. My legs pressed against each other tightly to keep my hormones at bay.

"It's so much better than a woman. Men know how to please each other." He turned on his other side to look away from me with a wink. "But I'll leave that to the imagination of you, Mr. Scott Hoying." Mitch seemed to fall asleep a few minutes later.

If you've ever talk to any guy, they will tell you that falling asleep with a friend that won't go away sucks. And I can't exactly take care of myself. Unlike Todrick and Travis, I understand there is more than myself in this room. My hand twitched on my stomach. Fuck, this is horrible. I can't get up and go to the bathroom either. Seth is probably still wide awake. So I simply had to turn myself off. Which was harder than it sounds. Especially when the cause was sleeping silently on the bed next to me.

"You're a dick Mitch." He chuckled, surprising me. I thought he had fallen asleep.

"I know." I began chewing on my bottom lip. I closed my eyes. Okay Scott. Just don't think about that picture Mitch showed you today. I was breathing out through my mouth and in through my nose. Think of your mom. Ew. Gross. Or how Todrick was moving against Travis. God damn it. Wrong turn. Think of, um, Sister Anne. Uh, major gross. Wow, boner gone. That was actually easy.

Mitch let out a soft sigh in his sleep. He was the reason I had to calm myself down. Fucking tease. I couldn't pinpoint my emotions right now. This whole realizing my, uh, gayness, I guess, has made me notice things I've never would have realized I've been noticing what I've been noticing. Oh that was some mad hatter shit right there. Anyways he was the cause of those emotions. In the art of stringing words together to turn a man on, he was the prized whore. And I would pay money to have Mitch whisper in my ear.

I groaned as the alarm blared into the air. I turned my head in the direction of the clock. It was blinking, saying it was five thirty in the morning. My gaze drifted past the clock where Mitch's eyelashes were still kissing his cheeks as he was moving his eyes with a dream. He gasped quietly, tilting his head back to expose his neck. Suddenly his movements became desperate as his eyebrows drew together and his hands gripped his sheets. He looked like he was having a nightmare.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. I jumped out of my bed to sit on the edge of his.

"Mitch? Wake up." I shook his shoulders to try and wake him up.

"I'm sorry daddy." He was startled awake, a small tear falling from his right eye. He looked at me. The water in his eyes caused the milky chocolate to swirl with sadness and confusion. "What are you doing? Get out of my bed." He shoved me away.

"You were having a nightmare. I thought I would-"

"I could report you for that." I pulled at my pajama shirt.

"What did your dad do to you Mitch?" His whole body tensed and his face became guarded.

"Nothing. I'm going to breakfast." He left the room. I glanced over where Todrick and Travis were sitting up in their separate beds. They shook their heads in unison. What did I say?

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