Chapter 9

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For Scomichemylife

A/N: Next chapter is the last chapter in this storyline. It is meant to be a short story with an ending to keep you thinking. Final chapter should be up tomorrow morning. I love you guys and all your support. Keep being flawless! <3

"Get up!" Sister Anne's voice made my eyes shoot open. After Mitch and I spent some 'quality' time together, we had walked back to our separate beds. I shuffled back against my headboard. I looked around but Mitch was nowhere in sight. It was only Seth, Sister Anne, and Tammy.

"Can I help you?"

"You were suppose to be a role model for the rest of these people." She motioned around the room. My eyebrows drew together in confusion.

"What?" Tammy took a step forward.

"You're little sleepover with Mitch." I was shocked. Tammy was suppose to be our friend. Not to tell everyone.

"You watched us!"

"That little slut." I tried to rush out of my bed to yell at her but Sister Anne had two orderlies grab my arms to hold me back.

"Don't you fucking talk about him like that!" I was surprised by how deep my voice became. It came out as a growl.

"We called both of your parents." The worry coursed through my body. He couldn't be alone with his parents. I broke out of the grip of the orderlies and ran towards the room we had group therapy in. I could hear Mitch's father yelling with his booming voice.

"You little whore! You're getting married in a couple of months!" I heard a smack hit someone's flesh and then a tumbling noise. I rammed into the door when I realized it was locked. It came open on my third hit.

"Don't you put a fucking hand on him!" I helped Mitch to his feet as he hissed in pain. He was still feeling the effects of last night and his dad hitting him now.

"Scott!" My mom came through the door with my stepfather behind her. It didn't look like she slept for days. I couldn't focus on her right now. My attention was on Mitch who pushed himself out of my arms. He backed up towards his father. Sister Anne came through the door and she had more orderlies restrain me.

"Mitch?" He didn't meet my eyes.

"I have duties Scott." He glanced back at his father who nodded with a locked jaw. Mitch took a deep breath, looking back at me with tears in his eyes. "I have a fiancé and...." He sobbed quietly.

"But I thought-"

"It's not right for two men to be together. What happened last n-night...." His voice cracked as he kept the rest of his sobs in his throat. "It was a mistake. A mistake that made me realize I like being with women."

"You're lying."

"I have to-" He looked at his father again. "I have to carry on my family's name. I can't do that with a man. I have to graduate even if that means not seeing you for the rest of my life." He wiped the tears with his sleeves.

"I can't believe you would let him control you like this." I rushed out of the room, heading towards the front door.

"Scott!" I whirled around when Mitch came running after me.

"You told me to always be myself. Why can't you?!"

"You don't understand Scott. I have to do this. I have to pretend." I clenched my jaw and my fists.

"We were suppose to leave together!" He tried to lower my voice. He tried to reach out and hold my hand but I flinched away. "I can't-"

"You don't know what my father does to gays!" Mitch was holding his stomach. He began whispering. "Mark did have a girlfriend but it was a cover up so we could be together. My dad beat him to death Scott. I'm afraid that he might hurt you too and I couldn't take that. At least now I know you're safe." I looked over at our parents sitting in the doorway. They were too far away to hear us.

"Has he hurt you?"

"I only get smacked. Its because I'm his son. I get favoritism, I guess." I glared at Mitch's father.

"That's not favoritism. That's evil." He held my face in his hands. I felt my skin grow warm at his touch. "I could protect you. I could protect us." He shook his head, lowering his hands slowly.

"It's better if you leave. Then I know you're safe." His voice cracked at the end, becoming a shrill sound with the last syllable.

"I'm in love with you."

"Scott, please." He was trying not to break down again. I bit down on my bottom lip. I think I was drawing blood. He was walking back towards his parents.

"I can't give up on you." I spun him around to pull him into a deep kiss. He gave in the beginning until he heard his father's disgust. He shoved my chest back.

"You have too. I'm not worth it." He walked back to his parents who led him back in the room.

"You are worth it Mitch!" The door shut behind him leaving Sister Anne and my parents left outside. The retired nun walked up to me with her frilly punk suit.

"You're leaving. Mitch and his parents have made a deal for him to stay. You on the other hand, for your inappropriate behavior, are kicked out of the program." My stepfather had my suitcase in his hands.

"You can't."

"I can. You are always going to be an abomination." My mom shook her head but said nothing out loud. I was escorted out by some orderlies and my parents. I looked up at the windows. Mitch was staring out the window with his hand pressed against the glass. He looked miserable. I offered him a wave. His fingers curled back in a response.

"Bye Mitch." I whispered. As soon as I got in the car, I shoved my headphones in my ears. Just like on my way here, I watched the people's lips move but I didn't listen. I was wishing I could go back to last night. Mitch and I became as close as two people ever could. Why did it have to go to shit? I would do anything to get him back.

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