Chapter 7

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For TheKawaiiCupcake00

"Here you go." Mitch startled me out of my sleep by throwing a pile of clothes on top of me.

"I don't think I should go." He plopped on the bed next to me.

"Come on. Let's have some fun." He put his hand on my knee. I know it was nothing to him but for me I was on cloud nine with an angel. Maybe going out tonight won't be bad. I feel like Mitch has done this before. He wasn't going to bring me somewhere dangerous.

"Okay." He grinned.

"Yes!" Mitch had his legs up against the wall and his hands over his eyes. I told him not to look as I got dressed. "Hmm. Nice." I pulled the pants over my knees and spun around. He was looking upside down at me. I wasn't wearing my shirt. My face was on fire.

"I told you not to look."

"At you?" He rolled over on his stomach. His tongue ran over his top lip slowly. "Impossible. I'm so glad I gave you tight jeans." I buttoned my pants, reaching for the shirt by Mitch. He snatched it and pulled it under his body.

"Give it back Mitch!" Somehow through all the wrestling to get the shirt back, I had pinned Mitch underneath me as I was between his legs. I grabbed the shirt from behind his back. "I can't believe...." I couldn't continue when I realized how close we are. I could lean down to capture him in a kiss. But I didn't. I was too nervous as Mitch traced the lines on my stomach. I guess you could say those were my abs.

My mind went in its own zone. For some reason, I was imagining his hand slipping in the middle of my thighs, moving it up along my body to wrap around my neck. I pushed myself off the bed and held my shirt so it covered the front of my pants. Mitch sat up. I noticed he look like he was freaking out. His confidence was faltering.

"We should go."

"Yeah." I answered quickly. I pulled the shirt over my head then followed Mitch. We crept pass Sister Anne's door and out the front. The others were waiting by an old van that belong to the old hospital ward.

"Hey boys." He waved over at the girls. He waved to the boys next. "Hey ladies." He sat down next to Todrick in the back seat. I took the seat across from him. It was a really calm ride. Mitch was back to his cocky self. It was like what we were both thinking of earlier disappeared. Travis sat down in the seat next to me.

"He's very gorgeous. Have you kissed him yet?" I looked at Mitch and his amazing smile.

"No. I can't. Being gay isn't an opinion for me." Travis pursed his lips.

"Did Mitch tell you where we were going?" I shook my head. He began laughing. "You're in for a treat. Here's your fake ID." I held the card in my hand. I had a fake name. Andy Herron. Wow.

"Who are you?" Mitch asked when we got out.

"I'm Andy. And you?"

"I'm Brandon." His fingers wrapped around my wrist. He brought me in front of a bar with rainbow colors.

"You brought me to a gay bar?!" His nose crinkled adorably.

"We're gay Scott. Where did you expect us to go?" I shrugged. He laughed, pulling me into the bar with the flash of his ID. "Loosen up. Have a beer."

"I don't dri-" He went to the bar before I could protest. I saw Todrick and Travis getting too close for public and Heather had Soledad pushed up against the wall as they were making out. It was amazing how here, we were allowed to be whoever we really happened to be. Mitch came back with two beers and I hesitantly took it. I took a sip. "This is gross. How can you drink this?" We sat on the bar stools to overlook the dance floor. Mitch took a big swig out of his bottle.

"Just put it at the back of your throat and swallow." He winked at me. I chuckled.

"Why are you always sexual?"

"I'm actually not." He rolled the bottle in a circle on the wooden surface. "Only around you. But it's no fun anymore." His bottom lip jutted out in the cutest pout. "You've gotten use to me playing with your head."

"Yeah. Well-"

"Do you want to dance?" A man interrupted our conversation. He held out his hand towards me. I thought he was talking to Mitch but he asked me.

"I don't dance." The man walked back on the dance floor and Mitch pushed me towards him.

"Just try it Scott." The guy was actually taller than me by maybe an inch and he had brown eyes with dark hair. He looked like Mitch. I shook the thought out of my head. The man's arm wrapped around my waist and I put my arms around his neck. I rested my chin on his shoulder. I could see Mitch at the bar. He was frowning, drinking more of the alcohol. The music was so slow. The guy I was dancing with was being respectful at least.

Mitch was soon asked to dance too. The dope he was with had shaggy dirty blonde hair. I couldn't see his eyes. Since Mitch was dancing with a guy that was taller than him, his arms were hooked under the man's shoulders as his head resting against the strangers chest. Mitch's eyes were locked with mine while we swayed back and forth to the rhythm. Mitch was spun around so his back was to me. That's when the man's hands drifted down to grabbed Mitch's butt. I pushed away from my dance partner, rushing out the back door.

I sat down on the crates they had up against the wall. I could feel the jealousy welling up inside me. I liked Mitch. In fact, I like him a lot. Then that guy treating him like a piece of meat, Sister Anne hurting him, and his father, I just, ugh. He didn't deserve it. He was amazing and beautiful. And as much as it seemed like his teasing and flirting bothered me, it made my day. I wish I could tell him that.

"Scott!" Mitch was standing in front of me with his arms crossed. He motioned towards the door. "What the hell was that?" I stood up.

"I could ask you the same fucking thing." Every feature on his face turned to confusion. "Letting that guy touch you like that!" He seemed to realize what I was feeling.

"You're jealous." It wasn't a question. It was a statement.

"You know what?! Forget it!" I sat back down on the crate. "Do whatever you want." I was staring at the ground. Mitch didn't make a move to leave.

"You want me to do whatever I want?"

"Go back-" His lips crashed against mine before I could finish my sentence. I pushed his chest back. My first actual kiss with a guy and I felt like I was going to exploded with the emotion I was feeling. He sat on the crate next to me. "I shouldn't be doing this...."

"But?" I glanced over at him.

"I really want to do it again." I stopped him from trying to kiss me again. We sat in silence. I couldn't see his face. He was staring down at his lap. I didn't tilt his chin up. Instead I just maneuvered my way to kiss him. He put one of his legs on the other side of my waist, snaking his arms around my neck. I groaned when he slammed me back against the building's brick wall.

"Are you.... Are you sure about this?"

"Not really." I brushed a strand of his hair behind his ear. I let out a light laugh. "You're a bad influence. I like it though." He hummed brushing his lips along my cheek.

"You can put your sinful hands on me. It's kind of hot." We laughed. He moved my hands under his shirt to hold onto where his natural curves were. He had his confidence back that's for sure. He brought our lips back together to move perfectly.

"Hey guys." Travis was whispering from the doorway. Mitch pulled away with my bottom lip between his teeth. Just like I had imagined. "We have to go. We've been here for almost two hours." I held Mitch's hand on the way back to the van. Once we all got in, he curled up to my side.

"I'm so glad you got jealous. I've been holding that back for awhile now." We said goodnight to the others and then Mitch walked me to solitary confinement. He held his hands behind his back shyly. "I'll see you tomorrow." I nodded. I spun him around when he tried to walk away. I kissed him softly.

"Goodnight Mitch." He smiled, walking away backwards. He gave me a small wave.

"Night Scott." I shut the door behind me with a goofy grin on my face. I can't believe we kissed. It felt amazing. I couldn't wait to do it again. We have to be careful though.

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