Alone Time

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The door knob just broke. Jisoo was unaware of what happened and was more shocked due to Jinyoung's presence. She didn't know what to say so she decided to pretend that she didn't dance or sing to anything. "Why do you come here, Jinyoung-ssi? Do you need something?" she asked while trying to act cool. Jinyoung was more concerned about the broken door knob. He didn't answer Jisoo's question. "Jisoo-ssi, the door knob just broke. It can't be opened anymore now. What should we do?" Jisoo couldn't believe what she heard and said, "What did you say?" "The door knob is broken now, Jisoo-ssi. We are locked here." Jisoo was shocked. "Oh no, what should we do? Our phones are left in the van" Jinyoung came up with an idea to kick the door or smash it with his shoulders. "No, Jinyoung-ssi, we can't have you injured. It's okay, we can just wait until the members come back to this waiting room." Jisoo was a bit calmer now and Jinyoung also decided to wait.

Jinyoung suddenly remembered about Jisoo's solo performance in this room earlier. "So, Jisoo-ssi, how can you sing and dance so well?" Jisoo didn't know what to say. She knew she couldn't fool Jinyoung saying she just liked singing and dancing because the performance that she did earlier was the result of years and years of practice. "Jinyoung-ssi, I will tell you about it, but please promise me to keep it a secret, okay? Don't tell anyone, even the members." Jinyoung without a second thought said, "I promise." Jisoo then closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and started her story "I used to be a trainee at a famous entertainment agency, one of the big three. It used to be my dream to sing and dance in front of many audiences, like what you do now. But that dream can't become reality. At some point in my training period, I developed some mental issues. It's hard to always be under pressure. That's how I figured out that being an idol is not going to be the path that I take. I'm not strong enough to become one. When I decided on quitting, It felt great for a while, but then people questioned my choice. They said that I was a coward because I didn't finish what I started. I felt so lost for a while. I really didn't know what to do. After a lot of thinking and support from my family, I finally start getting into fashion and make-up. That's how I ended up here now." Jisoo ended her story and looked at Jinyoung, trying to read his expressions. "Jisoo-ssi, do you know why I came here running earlier? I wanted to tell you great news about your make-up art debut. There is a viral article about our make-up and style today stating that we all look different and stunning. This is all your work, Jisoo-ssi. You might fail to become an idol but you find another dream and made it real. You are a really good make-up artist, Jisoo-ssi, you made it to the news and it's only your first day." Jinyoung sounded so sincere that Jisoo almost cried. She looked at Jinyoung, smiled, and nodded.

After that heartfelt talk between them, they didn't feel as awkward as they were anymore. They talked a lot, about his trainee days, about her trainee days, about their families, when suddenly Jinyoung asked Jisoo, "Do you know any of our songs?" Jisoo smiled playfully and asked back, "Do you expect me to know?" Jinyoung looked confused and then he shrugged. Jisoo laughed at him and answered, "Of course I know your song. All of it, I am a fan afterall." Jinyoung was shocked about that. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Huh? Really?". She then replied, "Yes, I am a true ahgase, my cousin and I saved our pocket money to buy your album. It was very expensive that we needed to share. Besides, as a make-up artist I should know your songs to do make-over that suits the song that you are going to perform." Jisoo ended her answer with her cute laugh. "Wait" It looked like Jinyoung wanted to ask something again, "If you are an ahgase, who is your bias in GOT7?" Jinyoung looked a little hopeful. Jisoo just playfully sticked her tongue out and said, "It's a secret". Jinyoung looked very disappointed. Jisoo just ignored his reaction and said, "Jinyoung-ssi, I think it's okay for you to start calling me Jisoo now, not Jisoo-ssi. It sounds too fomal. You can also use banmal (informal language) with me starting from now. I'm younger than you afterall." Jinyoung quickly recovered and said, "Okay. Jisoo, you are younger than me, so you have to call me oppa from now on, deal?" "Deal" They shook each other's hands while looking at each other playfully.

"Jinyoung? Jisoo? Are you inside? Why do you lock the door?" Jaebum asked while knocking the door hard. He sounded panic. "Yes, Hyung, the door knob broke when I closed the door earlier. We tried to open it, but we couldn't. Our phones was left with manager hyung." Jinyoung answered quickly to avoid any misunderstandings. The members were shocked as well. After a while, they got some men to break the door open. When the members saw Jinyoung's face, they looked so relieved. "Park Gae, we were so worried when you're missing. We thought you got into some accident or something. I'm so happy that you are actually safe." Jackson, or Wang Gae, then hugged Jinyoung tightly, then whispered to his ear, "Do you want to have ramyeon?" Hearing this, Jinyoung then pushed him away. Jaebum then tapped his shoulder and said, "Next time don't wander alone making us worried, at least tell us where you're going." Jinyoung just smiled and nodded. Bambam came closer to Jinyoung with playful eyes and whispered to his ear, "So Hyung, what did you do alone with Jisoo Noona the whole time when you are locked?" Jinyoung then playfully hit his hand and pushed him away

To be continued

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