Past Lover

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 Jinyoung saw a light coming his way. He quickly stopped his van. He didn't know what just happened as his vision started to get blurry. Then he heard some knocks and some faint voices from the window. He looked at the window and saw Jaebum and Mark knocking his window hard. It looked like they were trying to talk to him. Jinyoung then opened the door and finally heard their voice. "Jinyoung, what the hell did you think you are doing? Are you drunk driving?", Jaebum looked so angry. Mark stopped Jaebum from scolding Jinyoung when he realized something was wrong with Jinyoung. "Jinyoungie, are you crying? What happened?", asked Mark. He went closer to Jinyoung and said, "He doesn't smell like he has been drinking." Jaebum looked so worried. "Mark Hyung, can you please carry him to our car first and bring him to our dorm? I will drive the van. We will talk once we are in our dorm", said Jaebum while going inside of the van. Mark then carried Jinyoung to their car and opened the door. The rest of GOT7, except for Jackson who was in China, were inside of the car. They looked so confused when they saw Jinyoung. "Jinyoung Hyung? What happened, Mark Hyung?", asked Bambam curiously. After helping Jinyoung to sit and put the seat belt on, Mark then turned his head to the maknae trio and said, "The car that we were about to crash into was our office's van with Jinyoung driving inside. He looked so shocked so we decided to cancel the visit to see manager hyung's newborn baby and bring Jinyoung to our dorm first." The maknae trio knew that this was not the right time to ask so many questions so they just silently nodded.

Jinyoung was a bit calmer when they arrived at the dorm. He knew he had a lot of explaining to do. All members of GOT7, except Jackson, sat in the living room. They all looked so serious. Jaebum started their discussion by asking, "What happened to you, Jinyoung? You weren't drunk but you were driving crazily that you were about to hit our car." Youngjae added the question, "Yeah, Hyung, once we heard that manager hyung's baby was born, we decided to visit them together but we couldn't contact you. Why didn't you pick up your phone?" Bambam said, "You are lucky that the car you almost hit was ours. If it wasn't, there would be big scandal and we would be in a big trouble." Jinyoung then took a deep breath and tried to explain from the very beginning. The feelings he felt the first time he met Jisoo, the time they were locked together in a waiting room, and what happened today. Of course, Jinyoung left Jisoo's secret and his secret place out and didn't tell his members about them. So far, everything went well in the story and nothing was wrong. The members were smiling about Jinyoung's confession to them that he was in love with Jisoo, but his story was interrupted by Yugyeom, "Okay, hyung, if that was the case, why were you crying and driving like that? You should be happy instead." Jinyoung looked at Jaebum. Jaebum didn't have this confused expression like the others. Jaebum knew a little bit about the reason why he was so traumatized to fall in love again. It happened when he was about to debut with Jaebum as JJ Project. The tragic story about Jinyoung's previous love with a girl called Moon Dawon.

Jinyoung managed to finish his story without shedding any tears. The other members looked sad and confused. They couldn't find a word to console Jinyoung. They were silent for about fifteen minutes until Youngjae said something the others had been dying to say, "Hyung, I know it's painful, but it's all in the past. There's nothing we can do to change what has happened. You can't keep living like this, being scared of falling in love, you are torturing yourself, hyung." "Jinyoung, now you are feeling guilty of what happened to that girl, but it wasn't your fault", Mark also voiced his opinion. "Jinyoung, I know it's easier to be said than done, but please try to forget about your past. Try to accept your feelings for Jisoo. Don't deny the feelings. We all will support you whole-heartedly", said Jaebum. He then went closer to Jinyoung and hugged him. The other members also did the same and they all hugged each other tightly.

Jinyoung usually slept alone. He didn't share his room with anyone but that night, Mark insisted that he would sleep with Jinyoung so that he could be there if Jinyoung had a nightmare. Mark had fallen asleep next to Jinyoung, but Jinyoung couldn't sleep. There were too many things to think about. "Moon Dawon, do you forgive me? Can I fall in love again now?", mumbled Jinyoung to himself. He then thought about Jisoo. "Jisoo-ya, are you asleep already? You must be scared when I freak out earlier. How should I face you tomorrow?", mumbled Jinyoung again to himself. "Shush, Jinyoungie, go to sleep. Don't think too much", whispered Mark. "Sorry, Hyung, I wake you up", answered Jinyoung. "Shush, it's okay, just sleep." Mark then hugged Jinyoung and they both fell asleep together.

At the same time that night, Jisoo had just finished crying. "Oh no, my eyes will be swollen tomorrow. What should I do?" Jisoo then went to the freezer and took out some ice. She wrapped the ice in a towel then put it on her eyes while lying down. That night, she wondered what she did wrong. She really wanted to apologize and fix her friendship with Jinyoung, but she didn't even know what she did wrong. Jisoo then recalled her memories with Jinyoung. It had only been a few days but it felt like she knew Jinyoung for a long time. A lot of things had happened. She then thought about how Jinyoung acted today and started tearing up again. She then wondered about another thing, why would she cry so much for someone she didn't even know for so long? "Don't tell me I'm... in love? Noooo...", thought Jisoo to herself. Tomorrow GOT7 had to shoot a reality show so of course, she had to do their make-up. Jisoo really didn't know how to face Jinyoung.

Thank you so much for reading and please look forward to the next chapter <3

And yes, I'm a MarkJin shipper also :D

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