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Jisoo looked at Jinyoung and answered, "I don't." Jinyoung tried to hide the fact that he was happy and pretended to be cool and asked again, "Really? Why?" Jisoo laughed because of Jinyoung's question. "I don't know? I haven't found the one." Jisoo laughed again because she thought that her answer was too cheesy. "What about you, Oppa? Do you have a girlfriend?", asked Jisoo to Jinyoung. "No. In fact, I haven't been in any relationships for years now. JYP Entertainment has a dating ban three years after debut. I was in JJ Project for two years and then I debuted again under GOT7 so I had three more years of dating ban. So in total, I haven't been dating anyone for five years." Jisoo looked at Jinyoung and said, "Whoaaa... It must have been hard for you, but now you are in your fourth year right? So you can start dating again." Jinyoung sighed. "I still can't because I don't have time." Jisoo smiled again. "Oppa, do you believe that people's true love is already destined from birth?" Jinyoung raised his eyebrows, "I don't know. I never really thought about it. What about you, Jisoo?" Jisoo looked straight at Jinyoung and answered, "I do believe in that. So Oppa, maybe it's not that you don't have time, you just haven't found the one. When you do, you will have time for her."

Jinyoung thought about it and something didn't make sense for him. "Jisoo, if there is someone destined for us since birth, then why do people have breakups, affairs, and divorces?" Jisoo didn't look flattered by Jinyoung's question. She leaned in closer to Jinyoung and answered calmly, "Just because that person is destined to us from the very beginning, doesn't mean we will end up with that person. Sometimes we make mistakes, sometimes we fall for the wrong person, sometimes we are scared to go for the one destined for us. I do believe that there is someone destined to us but destiny doesn't determine our life 100%. So at the end, everything is up to us."

Jinyoung was speechless. Jisoo's words hit him right at the wound in his heart. He had a bad experience about love in the past so this kind of topic was sensitive for him. He would usually avoid conversations about love because he was too scared. He was scared to fall for someone again. He didn't even know the reason why he talked about this with Jisoo. Jinyoung then realized that he had crossed the line he set for himself because he realized that he started to fall for Jisoo. Upon this realization, Jinyoung felt suffocated. He felt like he was choked by someone. "...ppa? Oppa? Oppa!" Jisoo's voice brought him back to his senses. "Oppa, are you okay? You look so pale. Is there anything wrong?" Jinyoung couldn't think of anything to say so he just stood up and went out of the room after saying just one word, 'toilet' to Jisoo.

Jisoo was really worried about Jinyoung. She thought maybe something that she said earlier had offended him. Jisoo felt so sorry to Jinyoung she didn't know what to do so she just sat there quietly waiting for him. Not long after Jinyoung went out of the room, Byeon-sajangnim came with their orders. "Where is Jinyoung-star?", asked Byeon-sajangnim while gazing at his empty seat. "He told me that he was going to the toilet.", Jisoo answered half-heartedly. Byeon-sajangnim sensed that something was wrong but he didn't want to interfere with their business because it might worsen the situation so he just went out from the room quietly. Fifteen minutes later, Jinyoung went back to the room with a smile, as if nothing had happened earlier. "Sorry for the wait. It was a hard one.", said Jinyoung jockingly while smiling. "Whoa, the foods are cold now. You should have just started eating without me, Jisoo." Jinyoung then took his spoon and chopsticks and started eating.

Jisoo just looked at Jinyoung. It's not that anything was wrong with the way he acts but Jisoo could tell that Jinyoung wasn't being his real self ever since he came back from the toilet. Jisoo could tell that Jinyoung was hiding his real feelings. "Why don't you eat, Jisoo?", asked Jinyoung. Jisoo then took her spoon and chopsticks, then started eating. The rest of the meal was mainly Jinyoung and Jisoo eating in silence and meaningless talks after meal.

Jisoo and Jinyoung are in the van. Jisoo had put her address in the van's GPS so Jinyoung just had to follow the directions given by the GPS. Jisoo knew Jinyoung was just acting fine and tried to conceal his real feelings with smile and jokes, but she didn't want to confront him. The fact that he hid that and pretended nothing happened means he didn't want to talk about it. it's his right to do so but Jisoo felt sad. After this, would Jinyoung still be friends with her ? She was wondering if Jinyoung regretted that he brought her to his secret place that day. Jisoo felt so sad that she wanted to cry, but she held it in.

After a quiet drive that felt like forever, they finally arrived at Jisoo's house. Jisoo said her bye and goodnight to Jinyoung before she went into her house. As soon as she closed the door, her tears started to fall and she cried her heart out. On the other hand, Jinyoung started driving faster and faster. His emotions exploded after he held it in while Jisoo was with him. He didn't even know where he was driving to but he just kept going. Suddenly he saw a light going towards him and after that, everything was blurry.

P.S. Wow... I did not see that coming either. Thank you so much for reading and please look forward to the next chapter <3

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