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The moment Jisoo saw that picture, she was so schocked she almost dropped everything she was holding. "That girl... is she...", Jisoo didn't realize that she was saying those words out loud. "GOT7's manager-nim? Do you need anything?", a staff came to her when she heard Jisoo saying something. That's when Jisoo realized that she was still at work and Mark was still waiting for his pants. She then brought herself together, put the box back in Mark's bag and went to give Mark his pants. Jisoo was about to space out again when she saw Jackson, who was very sweaty and Jaebum, who was coughing. She then felt so guilty for being so distracted by her personal feelings. The boys needed her, especially when they didn't have their manager around. Jisoo went to Jackson to give him some tissue, fixed his make up a little bit, and then to Jaebum, to give him some water to drink. "Alright, boys, is there anything else that you need?", Jisoo asked GOT7 before the shooting started again. "No, Noona, we're good.", answered Bambam. Jinyoung then looked at Jisoo and saw the bag that she was holding. "Wait, that bag...", those words just slipped out of Jinyoung's mouth spontaneously. "Yes, Jinyoung Oppa? Is there anything that you need in this bag?" Jisoo pretended not to know about that box. Jinyoung was shocked by his own question and answered, "No, nothing." A moment later, the producer of the reality show came to start the shooting again.
Jisoo didn't pay any attention to the rest of the shoot. Was that girl in the picture Jinyoung Oppa's ex-girlfriend? Jisoo didn't know for sure, but if she was then... Jisoo then shook her head. There was no other way to find out other than to ask him. It's going to be awkward but Jisoo had decided that she was going to ask him.
Jinyoung was very distracted during the second game but he managed to win and got a shoulder massager. He was very happy about it but he couldn't get what he saw earlier out of his mind. Jisoo was carrying the bag with his box inside. Jisoo might have opened the bag to take something for other member, but she probably didn't open the box. Jinyoung didn't know what to do, if Jisoo did see the picture, he wanted to clear the misunderstanding, but if she didn't then asking would just make them more awkward around each other. "Jinyoung-ah, what are you doing there by yourself? It's time to go." Mark's voice brought Jinyoung back from his thoughts. "Yes, Hyung, I'm coming.", said Jinyoung while running towards the members.
GOT7 members and Jisoo went to their van. "Jaebum Oppa, after this we have to go to the office. You have to discuss about your upcoming album with the producers and I need to return the clothes.", said Jisoo to Jaebum. Jaebum just smiled and nodded. Jinyoung kept looking at Jisoo, while Jisoo looked so lost in her thoughts.
As soon as they arrived at their office, Jisoo took the clothes that she had to return out from the van and left the boys without saying anything. "Jinyoung Hyung, did you do anything  to Jisoo Noona? She looked unusually distant and quiet.", asked Youngjae to Jinyoung. Other members nodded. "Wait, what's going on here? Why do you ask Jinyoung? Why am I the one who doesn't know anything?" Jackson looked so confused. Mark realized that Jinyoung was not his usual self either so he just dragged Jackson away while saying, "Leave him alone for a while."
Jisoo quickly went to the fashion department to return the clothes that were worn by the boys during the reality show earlier. Usually, the clothes would be checked by employees in JYP's fashion department but today the head of the department was present. "Oh no...", mumbled Jisoo to herself. Today seemed to be an unlucky day for Jisoo. The head of the fashion department, Mrs. Gil, was known for being strict and short tempered.
"Annyeonghaseyo, sunbaenim. I'm here to return GOT7's outfits for today.", said Jisoo while stepping into the room slowly.
Mrs. Gil saw Jisoo and said, "Ah... the newbie. Come here, let me check the clothes."
"Mrs. Gil, I'm sorry, but one of the pants was ripped during filming earlier.", said Jisoo with a small voice.
Mrs. Gil's expression changed that very moment. She frowned and started yelling, "What? How can you let that happen? Don't you know that GOT7 is sponsored by a very big and well-known fashion line? What will they say about it? You are just a newbie but you have the guts to slack off and make mistakes? You are just a newbie. They said you were a prodigy in your academy but here you are nothing but a newbie."
Jisoo didn't dare to lift her face. She was scared, she was about to cry, but all the things Mrs. Gil said was true. Jisoo was distracted by her personal feelings and she didn't do her best today.
"Uhm... Mrs. Gil?" A voice interrupted Mrs. Gil from scolding Jisoo any further. Jisoo lifted her face and saw Mark standing next to her. Mrs. Gil changed her attitude completely from very furious to super sweet. "Yes, Mark-ssi? What do you need? Do you want to tell me more about this newbie's mistake?", said Mrs. Gil with a big smile on her face. "Actually, Mrs. Gil, I'm here to tell you our situation today. On a short notice, our manager took a day off because of his wife's unexpected child birth. It was a bit earlier than it's supposed to be. Because of that, we couldn't find any temporary replacements and Jisoo has to do our manager's duty plus her own job. I believe she did a very good job today. Regarding the ripped pants, it was completely my fault. I ripped my pants because I was too focused on the games without thinking about my clothes. I'm very sorry for that, Mrs. Gil.", said Mark calmly to Mrs. Gil. Mrs. Gil then smiled towards Mark, "It's okay, Mark-ssi. You don't need to worry about that, but next time be more careful okay?" Mark then nodded and said, "Thank you, Mrs. Gil. That's very kind of you, but can I ask for one more thing?" Mrs. Gil smiled again. "Of course", answered Mrs. Gil. "Can I bring Jisoo along with me? We still need her because of our manager's absence." Mrs. Gil didn't smile this time but she let Jisoo go.
"Thank you so much, Oppa, but you didn't have to. I deserve to be scolded. I was very distracted today. Anyway, what do you need me to do?", asked Jisoo to Mark.
"No, Jisoo. You did your job well today. Actually, we don't have anything else for you to do, but I have a request. I know this is none of my business, but today I get the impression that you were avoiding Jinyoung. Whatever the problem is, please talk it out to Jinyoung. He's really concerned about it.", said Mark to Jisoo.
"Thank you, Oppa, and I'm so sorry that I make you worry.", said Jisoo to Mark.
"It's okay. And if you are looking for Jinyoung, he's in the vocal practice room by himself." Mark said that while winking his eyes.
Jisoo smiled and nodded before heading to the vocal practice room.
JYP had several vocal practice rooms, small rooms with a piano and a chair. It could be used by trainees or artists who wanted to practice singing alone. Jisoo looked around to find which vocal practice room Jinyoung was in and there was only one room with the light on. Jisoo looked inside the room from a small glass on the door. Jinyoung was inside, not singing or playing the piano. He was just looking down, like he was thinking about something. Jisoo was a bit nervous but she braced herself and knocked on the door. Jinyoung opened the door surprised to see her. "Jinyoung Oppa, we need to talk.", said Jisoo to Jinyoung.
P.S. Hi everyone... I know it's been a very long time since I last updated. I'm so sorry. Writing is harder than I thought but I will try my best to continue this story to the end so... Please look forward to the next chapter <3

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