Jinyoung's Secret Place

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Jinyoung thought to himself, Don't tell me that I'm.... starting to fall for Jisoo? Jinyoung then shook his head. No, it was impossible. Jinyoung was never in love after that accident. He was too scared to fall in love again. Jinyoung then tried to convince himself that the uneasy feelings that he had were just protective feelings as a friend. He knew that Wooyoung had a girlfriend, so that was probably why he felt uneasy. He was scared that Jisoo would get played by Wooyoung. "...nyoung... Jinyoung" Jinyoung then realized someone was calling his name. "Jinyoung, what are you doing here spacing out by yourself? We have to shoot the next scene," Wooyoung came to get him and tapped his shoulder lightly. "Okay, hyung, let's go."

Jinyoung finished his shooting that day and looked over to Jisoo. She looked busy putting all the make-up kits back in place. The producer approached Jisoo and they talked for a while. Jinyoung couldn't hear what they were talking about but it looked so serious. Wooyoung sat next to Jinyoung. He followed Jinyoung's gaze and saw what Jinyoung had been looking at this whole time. "You've got a really beautiful make-up artist this time, huh?" Wooyoung said while winking his eyes playfully at Jinyoung.

 "You've got a really beautiful make-up artist this time, huh?" Wooyoung said while winking his eyes playfully at Jinyoung

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Jinyoung just realized that he got caught looking at Jisoo for a long time and turned red by embarrassment. Jinyoung then got over his embarrassment quickly and was about to ask if Wooyoung had anything special for Jisoo but Wooyoung was called by his manager. "Ah, I want to talk to you a bit longer, but I have to go. Bye, Jinyoung. See you around."

Jinyoung and Jisoo were ready to go home and were walking to their van at the parking lot. Manager hyung was already in the van waiting for them. When he was about to drive out of the parking lot, his phone rang. "Yoboseyo? WHAT??!! Okay, I'll be there in a second." He then put his phone back to his pocket, turned his face to Jisoo and Jinyoung and say, "I'm sorry guys, I can't drive you home. My wife is in labor. She will give birth soon and I need to be there for her." Jinyoung and Jisoo looked so shocked for a while but then Jisoo broke the silence, "Congratulations, Manager-nim. You will be a dad soon. You have to hurry there. We will get out of this van immediately and go home by ourselves." Jinyoung was about to say something when the manager said. "No. Jinyoung is an idol. It would be hard for him to take public transportation. I will get a taxi to the hospital. You guys take this van and drive home. Be safe, bye" Manager hyung then hurried out from the van without even waiting for Jisoo and Jinyoung's answer.

Jisoo and Jinyoung were alone together in the van. "I've never seen manager hyung that panic before. He's always been a composed and well-prepared person." Jinyoung broke the silence first. "Of course, he must be really anxious and excited at the same time. By the way, Oppa, I'm so sorry but I can't drive." Jisoo looked so worried. If Jinyoung couldn't drive, he might take taxi, but what about the van? They couldn't just leave it there. "Don't worry, Jisoo, I can drive." Jinyoung said confidently. After failing his driving test together with GOT7 members, he retook the test and managed to get the license. "Okay then, Oppa. I'm so sorry I can't drive you home. I will go on subway from here. Be careful, Oppa." Jisoo felt bad enough that she couldn't drive Jinyoung home, asking him to drive her home would make her feel worse. "What are you talking about, Jisoo? Do you think I can just let a girl go home by herself this late? Of course not, I will drive you home." Jinyoung insisted. "But Oppa..." Jisoo still felt bad. "No buts, Jisoo. During work, you are our staff but outside of work, you are my friend. It's just normal for me to take care of my friend, right?" Jinyoung smiled. Jisoo then nodded, "Gomawoyo, Oppa."

Jinyoung then moved to the driver seat and started to drive. "Jisoo, we haven't had our dinner right? Do you want to go to this restaurant that I know to eat?", offered Jinyoung to Jisoo. Jisoo looked confused and ask, "What do you mean, Oppa? You are an idol right? What if someone saw you eating with a girl? It would surely cause a big problem." Jinyoung smiled, "Don't worry, this place is 100% safe. It's my secret base. Not even my member or my family know about this place." Jisoo raised her eyebrows, "What? If it's that secretive, why would you share it with me?" Jinyoung then answered, "I thought about it many times. You have told me a lot about yourself and your secrets. It's not fair if I don't share mine too." Jisoo looked at Jinyoung for a long time and told him, "Oppa, I don't expect you to tell me your secret just because I told you mine. You don't need to feel burdened because...." Jinyoung then interrupted her, "It's okay. I trust you, Jisoo. You can keep it a secret, right?" Jisoo then answered, "Of course."

Jinyoung and Jisoo then arrived at someone's backyard. Jisoo looked so confused but Jinyoung told her to wait and just follow him. He would explain later. Jinyoung called someone from his phone and after a while, a middle aged man came out from the house and opened the backyard door for him. Jinyoung then parked the van in their backyard and got out from the van to greet the man, "Annyeonghaseyo, sajangnim. It's been a long time." The middle aged man looked so happy to see Jinyoung. "Jinyoung-star, have you been busy lately? Even so, you have to come and visit us." The middle aged man then tapped at Jinyoung's back and hugged him. "How unusual, you actually bring someone here. It's the first time," Jinyoung then opened the door for Jisoo and introduced her to that man. "Sajangnim, this is Kim Jisoo, she is our new make-up artist. Jisoo, this is Mr. Byeon, owner of the restaurant." Jisoo then smiled, "Annyeonghaseyo, Byeon-sajangnim." and bowed to Byeon sajangnim. Byeon sajangnim was so glad to see Jisoo, "Whoaaa... I see, so this is what you have been doing this whole time, Jinyoung-star, but you did a really good job. She's really beautiful, as expected from Jinyoung-star." He smiled at both Jisoo and Jinyoung. Jisoo looked so confused and Jinyoung just laughed at Byeon-sajangnim's words. "Sajangnim, she is indeed very beautiful but she is not my girlfriend." clarified Jinyoung to Byeon-sajangnim. Jisoo blushed a little hearing that Jinyoung thought she was beautiful. Byeon-sajangnim then looked at Jisoo and said, "Maybe not yet, but soon you will surely fall for Jinyoung-star's charm." Jisoo giggled hearing that and Jinyoung said, "Sajangnim, you make me blush." "Okay now, let's go inside. I don't want you two to catch a cold." Byeon-sajangnim then led them inside of that house which connected to the restaurant. They went in from the kitchen to a very small closed room with only one table and two chairs. Byeon-sajangnim left them after taking their orders.

"I'm so sorry for what happened earlier." Jinyoung apologized for Byeon-sajangnim's words as soon as they were alone together. Jisoo then laughed and said, "What do you need to be sorry for, Oppa? I think you and sajangnim have a really cute bond. If I may know, how did you know each other and how did this restaurant become your secret place?" Jinyoung smiled as he recalled to the past. "I first came here when I was in middle school, shortly after I got accepted as a trainee at JYP Entertainment. During audition, I got paired with Jaebum Hyung and we got the first place. Winning first place at an audition had its negative impacts as well. Other trainees and trainers had very high expectation from us. Good for Jaebum Hyung, he had always been good at singing and he had b-boy dancing skills, but I wasn't as skilled and my voice was still cracking because of puberty back then. So one day, after getting yelled at during training session, I didn't want to go to the dorm. I couldn't go to places nearby the agency as well because I might bump into someone I know so I went a little further and I went into this restaurant. I ordered jajangmyeon and I cried there. When Byeon-sajangnim bought the order to me, he sat next to me and asked what happened. I told him and he actually accompanied me while I ate. He consoled me and made me feel better. After that, I came here often by myself as a trainee. After I debuted, I stopped coming because people might see me and I couldn't talk toByeon-sajangnim in peace. One day, he called me and told me he had made a secret place for me. It's this room. I often come here and have a chat with sajangnim. To me, he's like my own father." Jisoo smiled, "That's so cute. I think to him, you are also like his own son. He loves you so much, he even calls you Jinyoung-star." Jisoo giggled remembering how Byeon-sajangnim calls Jinyoung. Jinyoung smiled back and thought of something. He then said, "Jisoo, I want to ask you something. Do you have a boyfriend?" Jisoo looked at Jinyoung and answered, "I..... 

Thankyou so much for reading and see you in the next chapter <3  

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