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It was early in the morning and GOT7 members had individual activities. Jackson went to China to shoot a reality show, Jaebum and Youngjae went to JYP office building to discus about the new song that they composed together with producer EarAttack, meanwhile Mark, Yugyeom, and Bambam was still asleep because they didn't have morning schedules. Jinyoung just woke up. He had to shoot a webdrama produced by his agency, JYP Entertainment. Jinyoung went to the bathroom and took a shower. While showering, Jinyoung tried to recall the script he had memorized a few days ago but he couldn't get Jisoo out of his mind. Yesterday Jisoo told him a secret about her life. That secret changed his opinion completely about Jisoo. At first, Jisoo looked like a cheerful girl who had never experienced anything in life. Her playful smile and laughter convinced Jinyoung that Jisoo had been happy this whole time. Who would've thought that she had been through that much. She had overcome failure, depression, and finally made it into the entertainment industry as a talented make-up artist. Jinyoung respected Jisoo a lot more after listening to her story.

After Jinyoung finished showering, he made a quick breakfast, egg sandwiches. He was about to eat them when his phone rang, their manager is calling. "Yoboseyo, hyung, what is it?" His manager answered, "Come out, I'm already in front ofyour dorm." "Okay, hyung, I'll be there in just a minute." Jinyoung had no choice but to pack his egg sandwiches in a lunch box and went to his manager. When Jinyoung got out from his dorm, he saw someone he did not expect.     

Jisoo was inside of their van

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Jisoo was inside of their van. As soon as she saw him, she smiled and waved at him. "Good morning hyung and Jisoo." Jinyoung greeted them. "Morning, Jinyoung. Today you have a webdrama shoot. Jisoo –ssi didn't have to come because the production team already has their own make-up artist but I bring her along because she didn't have anything to do and it's going to be her first time on set. This might be useful in the future if the production team wants Jisoo-ssi as their make-up artist." His manager explained everything to Jinyoung before he asked anything. Jisoo looked at Jinyoung, "Is it okay with you that I tag along, Oppa?" Jinyoung smiled, "Of course it's fine. You can also learn. This is a really good opportunity for you, Jisoo. Anyway, Hyung, Jisoo, did you eat yet?" "I did", his manager answered quickly. "I haven't had breakfast yet.", Jisoo answered while rubbing her tummy. Jinyoung then opened his lunch box and gave one sandwich to Jisoo. "Gomawoyo, Oppa." Jisoo then took a bite and squealed, "Hmmm, it's so tasty. Did you make it yourself, Oppa?" Jinyoung smiled. He was glad that she liked his sandwich. "Yes, I made it myself." Manager hyung raised his eyebrows. He realized that there was something different about these two but he didn't want to point it out because it would make the situation awkward.

They finally arrived on the set of JYP's new webdrama set. There were many cameras, people, lighting and sound kit and it was really noisy there. Jisoo was awed with this unusual environment. She could hear a man yelling at this group of people, but it wasn't clear enough for her to tell what the man was yelling about. Is shooting set always this noisy?, she thought to herself. Manager hyung looked confused when he got off the van. He went closer to the man who was yelling earlier and asked. "PD-nim, is there anything wrong?" The producer stopped yelling and told manager hyung that their make-up artist got into an accident on her way there and the replacement that they got was so bad. The producer apologized to manager hyung and said that the shoot had to be postponed. Manager hyung looked so troubled. Postponing a shoot meant he had to re-arrange Jinyoung's future schedules. This was going to be hard for other actors' manager as well. Manager hyung then thought of something, "PD-nim, this might not be a solution but let's try this. Today I bought GOT7's new make-up artist. She's still new but she's really good at make-up. Let's have her do the actors' make-up." The producer wasn't so sure about this but Jisoo might save this drama shoot from being postponed. He then agreed.

Jisoo was looking around by herself when manager hyung called her. "Jisoo-ssi, I need your help. The make-up artist that was supposed to work today got into an accident so they need a replacement. It's not a regular make-up though. The first scene that we will shoot today is a fight between the main character and the antagonist in this park, so you need to make the bruises from the fight look real. Can you do it?" Jisoo was really surprised by this request. She wasn't prepared for this, but she wanted to take this opportunity and challenge herself. "Okay, manager-nim, I'll try"

Jisoo then finished Jinyoung's make up and gave him the mirror. "Whoaaa... It looks so real. Jisoo, you really are talented." Jinyoung was amazed by her work. The producer came to them and saw Jinyoung's make-up. He was very happy about it. "Okay then, Jisoo-ssi. Can you please be our make-up artist for today?" Jisoo gladly accepted the request.

Jinyoung played the main character in this web drama while 2PM's Wooyoung played the antagonist. It was the first time Jisoo met Wooyoung. She was a little scared because he had that bad boy look. Wooyoung noticed Jisoo's reaction and approached her with a smile. "Jisoo, right? GOT7's new make-up artist who will do our make-up for today? I'm Wooyoung, please take care of me." "Thankyou, nice to meet you." Jisoo smiled and they both shook hands. Jinyoung witnessed all that and had an uneasy feeling. It was unusual for Wooyoung to approach a staff like that. He was usually passive about introductions, greetings and stuff like that. Then Jinyoung thought to himself, Why do I need to feel uneasy? No... it's impossible that I'm....    

See you in the next chapter and thanks for reading <3

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