The Date

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It had been weeks since we moved in.
And every night I had done the same thing.I would go to my room and wait for Will to text me.But, this time when I went to my room I got a Skype call.
I answered it realising that it was Will."Hey,""Hey, so why didn't you text me?""I wanted to see your face this time, is there a problem with that?"He wanted to see me.I smile."No not at all.We talked for about twenty minutes.Then he hesitated."So, do you want to go get brunch with me tomorrow?""Yes, of course, Kerby Lane?""Sure,""YES, BACON!"I said that part out loud but the part I didn't say was YES, TIME WITH WILL."Ten o'clock?""Ok,"I set my alarm right then, knowing I would probably wake up late."I'm gonna head to bed.See you tomorrow.""Night."I went to my bed and just laid there, too excited to sleep.I knew that the quicker I slept the quicker I would wake up but it never came.I counted backwards from a thousand.I made it all the way to seven hundred sixty five.Then I slept.I woke up my alarm going off like crazy.I press snooze and lay back down.Then, my eyes snap open.Today was my date with Will.I hop out of bed and run to my closet.I get a long sleeve red shirt with a v-neck that has lines through it.I grab jeans and my Convers and walk into the bathroom.
I brush my teeth, twice.I brush my hair and part it to the side.Then, I put a part of it on each of my shoulders and leave the rest in the back.I walk out and grab some money on the way, just in case.My dream has come true.
I walk out to find a note in front of my door.


Meet me outside.


I walk to the door and open it.Will is standing on the porch waiting.He sees me and smiles. He was wearing his red hat and hoodie with jeans."Hey, we match.""I guess we do.So who's car are we taking.""Um, yours?I don't have mine yet it's still in England.""Oh, right."We go to my car and I get in.I notice he still hasn't gotten in.I unlock it again.He opens the door."Oh, sorry did you want to come too?"We laugh.I pull out of the driveway and I turn on the radio.It was a long drive.The only sound in the air is our breathing and the quiet music.I sit and think.About how happy I should be that I'm finally going on a date with Will.But there is just something that's pulling at my heart, like somethings wrong, like I shouldn't be here.I lean back and sigh.
I look over and he's staring out the window.Silent, peaceful, like a story with no ending, one that even if there was an ending it wouldn't be a good one.I think about all the times I had with Will, it makes me so happy, but like I said, something is still missing.It slowly starts to rain."Well, this is depressing."I look at him he's smiling like that one joke made him the funniest person in the world."Yeah, I guess it is isn't it.""I was picturing this to be happy.I guess nothing is really how you imagine it is it?I have just been waiting for a while to ask you out and now that I did I just I guess I thought that it would go perfect.""It still can.A little rain never hurt."I could tell I was blushing."Yeah,
as long as I'm with you."He looked over at me and put his hand over my free one I had on the console.I smiled and intertwined our fingers."Were at the BACON.""Alright, lets go get some bacon."He laughed and took my hand as we walked into the resteraunt.We sat down in the waiting area.I knew there would be a wait, there is always a wait.He kept our hands together the entire time we waited.Everyone in the room noticed us.They gave us looks, some kind, some mean.I didn't even care, because I was with Will.That's all that mattered.We finally got a table over in the back.It was quiet, I liked it.

We talked and ate.We were there for hours.It got to the point where they had to kick us out so other people could eat.We get in the car and I sigh."Wow, I knew they didn't like people who stayed for a long time, but I never knew they actually kicked you out!""Well, we were there for three hours."We talked like this for the whole drive.This was the best.I can't wait for our next date.


Quick Author Note.

Sorry this chapter was late but here it is 800 words.


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