Ever After

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Will P.O.V.

Shelby was my everything, she makes me whole, I want to spend the rest of my life with her.I  had been dating her for almost a year now.Our anniversary is in less than a month and I am really excited, I have decided to propose to Shelby.I told the guys and they are really happy and we're almost begging to be in the wedding.Of course, they were going to be.I had planned to take her out to dinner.Then I'm taking her down to the beach and pulling out the lights from our first date less then a year ago.I plan to make a little area for us to sit out in the horizon and watch the sunset.Then I'm going to pop the question.My stomach was churning.Our anniversary was tomorrow.Shelby had picked a fancy restaurant about thirty minutes away.I lay in my bed, the light of dawn creeping in from the window, my eyes blink.I see Grase sitting on the chair by my door waiting."Will, your awake come on we got to get you ready to day is the day!""Dude,"I look at my phone."It's 8:00 in the morning, what are you doing in my room?""Come on, get up."He grabbed my arm and pulled me up.I walked over to my door and shooed him promising to get ready, I walk to my closet and put on a  black jacket over a white shirt.I put in black pants.Today was the day.

Shelby P.O.V.

Today  is July sixth, Will and I's anniversary.As far as I know we're going to a restaurant I picked called Gino's.I am so excited for tonight.
I put on my blue dress from that fist night, feeling it fitting for this occasion.It still fit me perfectly, I hadn't grown at all phicically since last year.Mentally though, I had grown a lot.It was five our date was at 5:30, well the reservation at least.We would have to leave now to be on time.I go to Will's room and open the door, I knew it was fine he had been reading since this morning.The worst it could be was him fixing his hair...
"Hey, let's go, we're going to be late."He was laying on his bed with his phone in his hand, most likely on Twitter."Uh, yeah ok let's go...Wow it's the same dress,""You still like it on me?""Yes, of course, it looks even better on you tonight."We went to the car, drive ate it was fun, but I had a feeling that was not all we were doing tonight.He turned on to the beach and we walked for a while until I saw them.The lights, the blanket in the middle the wine glasses, it was beautiful."Wow, I love it.""Come on."We sat down propping our selves up on one shoulder facing each other and the horizon.It was exilerating watching the sun inch toward the line if the sea,The stars slightly showing more and more shining brighter as the sun fell.I looked toward Will, the only thing in the world that is better than the moment.He sat up and reached for my hand.He pulled me up so I was staring right into his perfect chocolate eyes."Shelby, you have been there for me through everything, we went through all the bad moments and all the good ones together, you make my life meaningful, without you I wouldn't know what to do and with that,"He slowly started to neel down,"Shelby Grace, will you do the great honor of marrying me?"My heart skipped ten beats "I will, yes, of course, yes."I put my hand over my mouth as he placed a silver ring with two diamond hearts twirled together onto my finger.He stood and kissed me.This was the most passionate one we've ever had.It was our ever after.

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