T-shirt Weather

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Mars' PoV
I think my first thought was "why is there a teenage boy in my bedroom?" Because with the loud, whip-like crack that woke me from a particularly terrible dream, a boy had appeared. And not just any boy.
My second thought was "this must be a dream."
Because Sirius black was standing by my window, and, despite the humid, July night, wearing a leather jacket over a white T shirt.
"Oops," he said with an apologetic smile, "forgot how loud that is..."
I stared at him. This is not how my dreams usually went.
I sat up warily. I pinched myself. It hurt.
My third thought was "why the hell is Sirius black in my room for real?"
He gave a nervous laugh and muttered something like "this is not how I had planned this..."
I didn't know how to handle this, and it seemed, neither did Sirius.
I got out of my bed, still watching Sirius.
My fourth thought was more of a realization. I became acutely aware of the fact that I was only wearing an oversized T shirt.
I looked down at my legs, the shirt skimmed just above mid thigh.
"Uhh...um, s-sirius, what are you doing here?" I asked, stumbling over his name.
He stared at me and didn't answer. His mouth slightly open.
He stretched out his hand, I didn't know what he was doing, so I stood still.
His hand brushed my bare shoulder as he adjusted the neck of my shirt so it covered my shoulder.
I stared at him questioningly.
"Uh, um, uh... did you say something?" He asked, refocusing on my face.
"Yes, I asked why you were here."
"oh, yeah, well." He started awkwardly.
"I came to check on you." He finished.
"Check on me?" I asked, confused.
"Uh, yeah." Then to himself under his breath, added "how should I explain this."

Sirius' PoV
I panicked and did the first thing that came to mind.
"What the hell?" She asked, looking down at me.
I tried to explain, but it came out as deep, booming barks.
"Shhh! Shhh, quiet!" She hissed, crouching down to sooth my barks.
"My mum will hear you!"
I whined my apology and gave her my best puppy dog eyes.
She gave me an exasperated look before I turned back into myself.
She just stared at me for a moment, then, we heard footsteps down the hallway.
She panicked and shoved me into her closet. "Be quiet!" She admonished in a whisper as she closed the door.
I heard her jump back into bed, seconds before her mum opened the door.
"Mars?" She asked, the sleep still heavy in her voice.
I stopped listening after a moment and looked around her closet.
Damn, if I had just a little bit more light, I would be able to see a whole lot more.
Then, I had a brilliant idea, dogs could see much better in the dark.
I changed back into a dog, the smell of vanilla and strawberry intensified ten times and I sniffed around the neatly organized closet.
I froze as the handle of the closet turned and I could hear Mars saying: "no, don't open the door, it's a mess in there!" Her mom opened the door any way and we both froze.
Mars looked at me over her mum's shoulder, an expression of mingled relief and annoyance as her mum turned to her.
"Mars, why is there a dog in your closet?" I sat and started to wag my tail, letting my tongue hang out.
"Stray..." she offered weakly, glaring daggers at me, realizing that I had found her knickers.
Her mum sighed as she turned from me to her. "You may keep it. For now." She gave.
"Great," Mars said, trying to sound happy.
I gave my tail an excited wag and she glared at me as her mum's eyes softened.
"Go back to bed," her mum said.
Mars climed into bed and I trotted out of the closet and hopped onto the bed next to her and snuggled down close to her.
Her mum smiled as she closed the door. After a few moments, when she was sure her mum had gone back to bed, she shoved me out of her bed and sat up.
"Why the hell are you here? How the hell can you turn into a dog? What the hell..." she trailed off As I turned back turned back, sitting on the floor.
"I told you," I said, "I'm checking on you."
"Because it's been six months..."
It looked like the wind had been knocked out of her as she sunk onto the edge of her bed. "Six months."
I tried to concentrate, but kept getting distracted by the way the neck of her t shirt had slipped off her shoulder again, And her bed head as her hair fell haphazardly out of the bun on top of her head.
Stop checking her out. I reprimanded myself.
July fourteenth. Six months to the day.
"I need some fresh air." She crossed to her window and threw it open. She stuck her head out, then her shoulders, then she was half way out the window, and the next thing I knew, she had climbed out the window.
"What the hell are you doing!" I hissed as I headed to the window. I looked up to see her sitting on the roof.
I sighed and followed her out the window.
I settled next to her, watching her.
Don't look down, don't look down, don't look down. I repeated over and over in my head, not because I was scared of heights, but because her shirt had risen up on her legs.
I concentrated on her face.
she was quiet for a while, staring at the stars, the pale moonlight played across her collar bones.
stop it.
"I miss him." She finally spoke, drawing her knees up to her chest.
Be a good friend. I reminded myself again.
"Why didn't you tell anyone?" I asked
"I didn't know how."
We said nothing for a while, I stretched against the roof and stared at the stars.
"Thanks," she whispered, turning to me.
"For?" I asked.
"This, for being there, for everything."
I smiled. "Of course."

I Siriusly Don't Understand || CompletedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora