Chapter 1: They're Real?!

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"I'm beating you!" Angelica teased. Both of you were in your living room playing the latest game, Tekken 7. You were playing as Lars while your friend plays as Jin.

"No, you're not!" You shot back.

"Hah!" Just in time you said that Angelica cheered victoriously as she jumped on the long couch you two were sitting on, "I win! I win! I win!"

You rolled your eyes playfully, "As usual, Angelica wins the battle. I knew you'd always beat me."

You gotta admit you're a pretty good gamer yourself, and you cherish yourself for it. But when it comes to competing Angelica, you would barely beat her since she spent a lot of time playing video games.

"Awwe," Angelica cooed, "Even, my best friend admits that I'm the greatest!" She embraced you for a hug, which you accepted.

It only took a few moments before you felt Angelica tensed up, pulling away from you as she packed her stuff into her backpack, "It's fun hanging out with you but I really gotta run now." She didn't even bother to look at you while she packed her things.

She was about to run for the door, until she broke her tracks then turned back to you.

"I'm gonna need this," She went for your Tekken 7 CD and placed it in its game box. She stuffed it in her backpack then turned around to run for the door again.

"But I thought you have-"

"It broke." She answered before you could finish, while you witnessed your friend close the door now only to be met with silence.

You sighed under your breath, tired from all the shenannigans that you and your friend had done for today.

You went upstairs to go to the bathroom. You took a refreshing shower, brushed your teeth, changed into your night clothes and went to your room to sleep.

Guess you're back to where you started.


T H U D !

You burst up waking from the sound, taking a glance at your clock to see it's 12:45 am in the morning.

And you could've sworn you heard mumbling voices coming from downstairs.

You were definitely scared. Were you getting robbed this early? You got up and decided to check it for yourself, clearly getting goosebumps as the voice grew louder to closer you get.

But then you remembered how to defend yourself. You could consider youself lucky to have your parents train you at a young age.

You froze from your place when the voices stopped speaking. All you could hear is nothing but your soft, shaky breaths, and there's no way they couldn't hear that.

Damn it.

"Who ever's in here," You heard a man spoke, "Please, show yourself. We won't hurt you."

The voice sounded familiar, but he's asking you to show yourself to them. Is this guy for real?

Everything you see is nothing but pitch black, so you couldn't vision any clearer sight of who these people are, but you were certain that the voice came from those shining highlights of what looked like armor.

Who the hell would even wear armor these days?

Just from the thought of it you could already tell that they're not normal people.

You repeated the familiar voice in your mind, before finally realizing the voice sounded like Lars. Thinking fast you ran for the light switch and turned it on. Sure enough, you couldn't believe your eyes; you were in complete shock just by seeing them.

It's Lars and Jin, wearing their Tekken 7 costumes!

But they can't be real, right?! You must be hallucinating!

The two blinked a couple of times from the sudden brightness before gluing their eyes at you, your eyes wide like saucers as you raised you hand to know you're the one.

They softened their stances when they saw you looking defenseless.

"It's just me," You told them, the excitement and nervousness in your voice can be heard as clear as day, "How did you get here?"

They exchanged looks, you could feel Jin telepathically tell Lars that he should answer you, to which he did.

"Don't know," Lars scratched his head in uncertainty. "But we did somehow got here by a portal that came of nowhere without explanation," His head turning to the ceiling, "We fell from up there." He pointed.

"You live here, right?" Jin asked, not caring that he sounded like he doesn't care at all.

"Yeah," You tried not to stutter in excitement. They've said enough proofs for you to fully believe that they've turned out to be real, but your smile couldn't leave.

"Let us introduce oursel-"

"Oh, you don't have to," Your response made Lars a bit surprised, ""

"May I ask," Lars spoke. "What's your name, miss?"

"(Y/n) (L/n)." You simply answered.

"Then, it is a pleasure to meet you, (Y/n)." Lars pulled out his hand for you to shake.

You couldn't help but smile at him, "It's nice meeting you too, Lars." You accepted his handshake.

You both stopped as you looked at Jin, who has his arms crossed with his normal scowl on his face. Even if it's normal for him, you thought that you should greet him, as well.

"It's... nice to meet you too, Jin!" You let out a smile, he didn't respond. He just continued scowling at you, then looked away.

"We shouldn't even be here." He muttered under his breath.

"So, you're saying that we'll be roaming around the streets this dark?!" You could tell that Lars is angry, even if his voice is so calm. "We don't even know, if this world is ours!"

"I mean," You started. "You did came here because of a random portal, yes?"

"See?!" Lars pulled his hand at you. "Even, she gets it."

Jin chuckled silently. "So what? We're going to stay here until we get home?" He scoffed, "That's not happeni-"

"I don't mind." You said. You knew it's going to lose your chance to spend time with them. They're also in your world, so it'd be very difficult for them to handle unwanted attention.

Lars didn't feel sure about your offer, "Are you sure?" You nodded.

"Alright then." You were surprised that Jin would answer, you swore you saw him smirk a little.

This is going to be legit.

A/N: Your mansion is huge with a huge outdoor pool in your backyard. It also has many rooms where limited characters can stay.

I couldn't find any pictures for Lars and Jin's T7 costumes altogether, so have these four men, instead. XD

Toodles~! :3

Published: 10/8/2017

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