Chapter 8: Broken Silence

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Sergei Dragunov.

He tried to get up, but his weak body just made him lie down again. You noticed that he seemed... numb. You don't see any injuries, though. Maybe it's his mental health?

"Hold her for a moment, please?" You handed your friend to Xiaoyu as she accepted it.

You went in front of Dragunov. "Uhm... a-are you alright?"

This made Dragunov get up as he sat. He rubbed his head a little then opened his eyes to look at you with his usual, emotionless face. Although, you could tell that he's quite confused of what's happening, right now. He then looked behind at you. He jumped a little just by seeing the other Tekken characters in shock.

Hwoarang extended his hands. "We know you're worried, Drags. But you're safe in here."

"He's right, mate." Steve joined. "Might as well calm down for a bit." He went downstairs and stood beside you. He pulled out his hand for the silent Russian to get up. Surprisingly, Dragunov accepted his hand as he slowly stood up. He felt drowsy.

"It seems like you need some rest, Mr. Dragunov." Steve commented. "Shall I- uh, we guide you to the bed?"

Dragunov shook his head, signing that he's fine and just need to sit down for a bit. Steve spotted this, so he guided him to your living room as they both sat.

"Welp!" Hwoarang spoke. "Guess we mind our own business, then."

"Yeah." You said, still looking at Dragunov. "Do your thing."

And so, they did. When they separated, Angelica slowly opened her eyes. Her vision seems blurry, and all she sees is a blurry Xiaoyu.

"(Y/n)! Your friend is awake!" Xiaoyu beamed. You went in front of your friend and looked at her as you sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness, you didn't die!"

She groaned. "Am I really not dreaming?"

You quickly grabbed your friend and ran upstairs with her. You shouted, "STEVE, TAKE CARE OF DRAGUNOV FOR ME, THANKS!"

You took her to your room and locked the door.

"Okay, Angel!" You started. "You saw them! And you promised that you'll keep it as a secret!"

"Yes! Yes, I know!" Angelica said. "But... I couldn't help it! There must be a way that I could take a picture of them! Any way that's not suspicious!"

"Come on, Angelica!" You shrieked. "At least, think that you'll be spending some quality time with them without taking a single picture!"


"No, you can't!" You scolded once more. "It's going to double my problem and I don't want any problem that will ruin me, again!"

Angelica opened her mouth to say something, but she shut it and sighed. "I know you too well, (Y/n). Of course, you don't want any problems damaging your life. Heh. I'm sorry..."

You only nodded in response for her apology. Moments later, Angelica lit up. An imaginary lightbulb above her head.

"What about we go to the ComicCon with them?!"


"Yeah! So it seems like it's not suspicous, because people will automatically think they're cosplaying!"

"Wouldn't the cosplayers need a regristration method for that to happen?" You doubtly asked. "That includes showing off on the stage, right?"

"Don't worry!" Angelica reassured. "They'll use fake names."

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