chapter 1

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(Sup dudes this is my second fanfic so it mite be good mite be bad enyway enjoy<3)

Toms pov.

It was a normall night.i was out in the pub drinking smirloff.i was really drunk.i was stumbleing out of the pub when i notised someoun.thay looked ive seen them bethor."hay!red jumper!"i yelled and thay swung arownd as i said that."wot?"thay said.the person had huge eye brows and a sigeret hanging out of there mouth."ive seen you b*hic*before!"i said stumbeling tewards them."uhg"thay said rowling there eyes.just as i was about to speak again i frow up all over the concreat path."hurk!"i made a wierd sound as i puked every were.the guy just looked descustide and walked away.i felt like i was gonna pass out so i quickly made my way to the house were my friends and i soon as i got back i opened the door and edd and matt were there waiting for me."tom!are you drunk again!?"said edd a little angry sinse this was the sixth time in three days that ive been drunk."yeah tim your always drunk!"said matt."its tom"i said correcting matt."and yeah i am*hic*drunk!"i said going up the stairs.edd and matt just looked at me as i walked to my room.i got in my bed and drifted of to sleep.

Edds pov.

Tom went up stairs and went to bed."ugh why are you like this tom"i said to myself."well mabey tim is like this because todd tried to kill us?"matt said with a warm smile." cant be that.he hated tord."i said with a serious face."mabye he likes to be really drunk all the time?"said matt with a confused face."yeah mabey"i said sadly."lets go to bed edd.its its really late hehe"matt said with a and matt walked up stairs and went to sleep.

Matts pov.

Me and edd went to bed."good night edd"i said with a smile."hehe good night matt"edd said with a giggle.we went to our rooms and went to was quiet.

Toms pov.

I woke up with a banging headach.i groaned as i sat up in my bed.i got up and put my blue hoodie on.i grabed a pair of dark gray jeans and put them on.i walked down the stairs to see edd and matt sat at the table."hay guys"i said walking over to the fridge."hello tim!"said matt."tom"i corected bethor grabbing a bottle of smirloff."tom!not first fing in the morning!"said edd.i dident listen and chuged the hole bottle."TOM!"edd yelled."what?"i said looking at him."you have just woken up!"edd yelled."so?"i said raising an eye brow."its not healthy!"edd said.i rowled my 'eyes' and replied with"i dont care"he just stared at me and matt turned arownd from looking in his mirror"you shood care y'know"matt said reterning back to looking in his mirror."well i dont"i said going in to the living room and sitting on the sofa.

(Le time skip coz im lazy)

There was a sudden knock on the door.i opened it and saw a man in a red hoodie with a robotic arm and an eye patch.theres no way this guy cood be who i thought it was TORD!

(Ok guys so i hope you like this coz it was hard to get an idea of what shood happen so yeah and pls like ma crap and stuff coz i love doing fanfic hope you enjoyed it!i will be doing a nother page ta morrow bye<3)

EDDSWORLDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora