Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Jamie had left to go with chief to go on the water with the others, presumably sailing, Amelia was left alone in the big building; she pulled the dress bag from her wardrobe and removed the neatly creased trouser and white front out of it; pulling them on in replacement for the shorts and tank top she was wearing before. Moving to the mirror, she pulled her hair back tightly, hair spraying and pinning it back into a tight bun before pulling on her black socks and parade boots, grabbing her cap and moving downstairs to meet the officer who was waiting for her, he two not wearing a jacket.

“I would take your jacket with you if I were you, the block we are going to has air conditioning and it can get pretty chilly.” She nodded.

“Aye Sir” She said before running back up the stairs to grab her jacket, and placing the lanyard and silk into the pocket of the trousers she wore.

“You ready?” The smart officer asked as he pulled on his cap.

“Aye Sir” She said doing the same, her jacket under her arm as they marched side by side out of the building. Amelia followed the officer to a smart looking building on base.

“Actually, I would suggest that you put your jacket of to greet our visitors, I will do the same as it looks smarter; if you feel like you are going to pass out, please take it off- we will be bringing them back here, but will meet them by the gate.” Amelia nodded as she pulled on her jacket and quickly tied the lanyard and silk around her neck. “We’ll walk up to there and march when we get close” He instructed and Amelia nodded. “So, how come you are coming to greet our visitors rather than a PO cadet?”

“I can’t go on the water because I’ve got stitches in my head,” She lifted her cap slightly. “So, I guess they figured that they didn’t have anything better for me to do, also, I will be starting work to become a PO cadet as soon as I turn 16 in 2 weeks.” The officer nodded as she broke into a march, Amelia fell into step beside her.

“Here we are, I suppose I’d better tell you who our VIP visitors are: their royal highnesses the duke and duchess of Cambridge.” Amelia’s eyes went wide. “Well, I’m going to fetch their visitor’s passes, wait here please.” The officer disappeared and Amelia took deep breaths to calm herself down.

Moments later, the marine in his best dress who was positioned on the gate, lead the couple down to where she was standing waiting to greet them- wait: ‘do I curtsy or salute? Curtsy or salute?’ She asked herself as they came closer. The marine escorting them, noticed her moment of panicked confusion and mouthed a quick: ‘Salute’. As they came closer, she pulled a smile and saluted when they halted in front of her. Prince William who was dressed in his RAF number 1’s, saluted her. She smiled and bowed her head to the duchess.

“Their Royal highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge; Leading Sea Cadet Amelia Smith from T.S Daring Unit” The Marine introduced me as the Duchess’s eyes went wide, her smile enormous as she looked at her husband, who stared blankly at Amelia.

“Amelia Smith?” Prince William asked as he looked at her.

“Aye Sir” She replied respectfully, as she saw the officer walking back, there was something unreadable on his face.

“Captain Jonathan Holloway RN, Captain of the Sea Cadet Corps & Director of Operations.” The marine introduced as he saluted to the couple.

“Would you like to follow me?” The officer asked and the couple nodded, following behind the officer and Amelia as they marched across the base, Amelia felt weird receiving salutes from officers walking past, even though they weren’t directed at her.

“Here we are” They were lead into the smart building they’d stopped outside earlier and the doors were held open, Amelia followed unsurely behind everyone as they were lead into a room which was decorated a lot nicer than any other room she’d seen on the base.

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