Chapter 2

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Kensi and Deeks walked into work the next morning hand and hand, as they often did. Sam and Callen were at their desks

"Mornin' " Deeks greeted the two agents. They looked up at the couple,

"Morning Deeks" Sam said.

Callen nodded in Kensi's direction,"Mrs. Deeks"

She smiled. She always loved to hear that. So, did Deeks. Kensi sat down at her desk and Deeks sat beside her. Hetty had switched Callen and Deeks seats a couple of years back. It made things easier. Not that anyone was complaining.

"So," Sam started, "How is the mini Deeks?" he asked

Kensi laughed," she's good." This got everyone's attention. Sam, Callen, and Deeks all jerked their heads up and looked at her. She looked at the three men with a confused look, "What?" she asked.

"Did you say she? As in a girl, a baby girl." Deeks asked with a grin starting to appear on his face.

"OH!, no, that's just what came out." she said realizing what she had said.

Sam and Callen nodded understanding what she meant. So did Deeks but she saw the smile on his face fade and he looked, upset almost.

"Deeks, do, do you...want a girl?" she asked with a small smile.

He shrugged. Honestly , he wasn't sure.

"Well I don't know I mean. Boy or girl, im going to love this child, but a girl wouldn't be so bad. But she wont be allowed to date, at least, not while im around to see it, cause.." at this point, everyone was looking at Deeks, "Im gonna, stop talking now." he said looking down. Sam and Callen shared a grin, and Kensi looked at Deeks smiling. He felt her gaze and looked at his wife, "What."

She shook her head, "Nothing" she said quietly. They both went back to their Paperwork. Kensi had seen a familiar side to Deeks just now. A soft, caring, and protective side. She knew it well. He was like that with her when they first started dating.

Later that day, Kensi was up in ops with Nell and Eric, being that she couldn't go out in the field. Deeks, Callen, and Sam were out in the field.

"So kens. How ya holdin up?"she asked he friend.

She ex-haled, "Good. I feel fat though."

Nell laughed, "Kens, you are not fat. Your pregnant, there's a big difference."

She leaned back in her chair," Alright, enough about me. How about you and Eric? Are you...talking about kids?"

Nell sighed," I don't know. I mean, we haven't talked about it yet but..." she said quietly so her husband across the room wouldn't hear.

They heard the ops' doors slide open. Callen, Sam, and Deeks all walked into ops.

"Oh boy I love catchin' bad guys." Deeks said when he walked in. Sam and Callen followed him, shaking their heads. Kensi shook her head. Yep, that was her husband.

It was 9:00 and everyone was exhausted. The team was in the Bullpen when Hetty walked in.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. You've done well today. You should all go home, and rest." Sam and Callen walked out and Hetty stopped Kensi and Deeks from doing the same, "How are you feeling Ms. Blye." She laughed softly," Im sorry, Mrs, Deeks."

Kensi laughed," Im good Hetty, thank you."

"Good" she said before letting the two return home.

Once the couple returned home they went straight to bed.

"God, im exhausted." Kensi saying getting comfortable in bed."

Deeks got in and wrapped his hand around her waist and held her close," Yeah, me too" he said settling down. Kensi smiled she liked when Deeks layed with her like that, it made her feel safe. She turned her head to face him and kissed him," Goodnight Deeks" she said when she broke away.

"Goodnight Kensalina"

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