Chapter 3

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The next morning, Deeks woke up with Kensi beside him. She was curled up next to him with her hand on his chest, and her head on his shoulder. It was a Saturday, so he didn't have to get up. Nor did he want to. He laid there for about two hours before Kensi woke. She looked up at him and smiled.

"Do have an obsession with my chest." He asked mimicking what she had asked him Weeks before.

She laughed. "I see..." She said raising we hands in defense the way he had. She got up and walked into the bathroom. He laughed and followed her. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist,

"You ready for our appointment today?" He asked.

She nodded,"yeah. I'm just gonna shower and than we'll go."

Deeks raised an eyebrow,"ya know..I have to shower to. We could save time if we share the water." He smirked. She turned in his arms and wrapped her around his neck,"you know that if we both go in, we are gonna be in there even longer."

"Not if you can keep your hands to your self." He said

she moved his hands and walked into the bedroom what she needed.

"Oh I can! its you that can't handle himself."

Deeks followed her and stood in the doorway," it's not my fault your irresistible." She smiled and walked into the bathroom.

They ended up sharing the water. They left for there appointment.

Kensi and Deeks were now waiting in the waiting room.

"Dr. Gordon is ready to see you." A doctor called from the desk. The couple stood and walked into the Examination room.

Dr. Gordon closed the door and turned toward the couple.

" , Mr. Deeks, it's good to see you again. How are you feeling." She asked.

"Great" Kensi said.

She smiled,"great. So you can lay down and we will see how the little one is doing."

Kensi laid down and pulled her shirt up. The gel was cold, it made her shiver.

The doctor looked at the screen,"We'll everything looks good! You might wanna take a look at the screen." she said with a smile. Kensi and Deeks looked up at the screen. Their mouths opened.

"Oh my god! Is that..." Deeks started

"Yeah" Kensi cut in.

They were more than shocked at what they saw on the screen. They were looking at not one, but TWO Babies! Kensi laughed softly with joy and so did Deeks. He leaned forward and kissed her head.

"Would you like to know the genders?" asked.

They both shook their heads,"No we are going to wait." Deeks said

"Alright! I will be right back and than you two can go" she smiled and walked out.

Kensi got up and walked over to her husband,"wow" she said,"twins"

Deeks smiled and cupped her face,"I love you, and these little guys." He said looking at her stomach. She laughed,

"I love you too."

The couple returned home and spent the rest of their day relaxing, enjoying their Saturday.

Deeks walked into the kitchen to find his wife making dinner. He walked over and stood beside her,"Hey watcha doin'?" He asked examining the food in front of her.

"Cooking." She said

He gave her a look,"Really!" He said pretending to sound shocked

She gave him a glare,"Its something I just kinda did. So go away and I'll tell you when it's done." She said

He raised his hands in defense,"Excuse me Rachel Ray!" He walked out. Kensi laughed and finished cooking. They enjoyed a nice meal together. Later that evening, Kensi and Deeks were cleaning up,

"Well I have to say, that was the first time I'd eaten enhanced macaroni and cheese and it was very good." He said.

She smiled,"Well good! I told you I can cook!" She said confidently

"we'll I wont doubt you again kens" he smiled.

After an event filled day, Kensi and Deeks went to bed.

Deeks walked in to see Kensi laying in bed with her hand on her stomach. He smiled and got in to bed. He moved close to his wife and once again played with her hair. She smiled and turned to face him,

"What do you think it will be like. Having two babies running around." she asked

Deeks laughed at the thought,"Well I think it will be more like two assassins running around. But it'll be great," he leaned down and placed a small yet sweet kiss on her lips,"We're gonna be great." He said softly.

She smiled,"I love you."

"I love you too Kens"

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