Chapter 4

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Deeks and Kensi walked into work the next day with smiles on their faces. They were going to tell their team about their new exciting news.

"Mornin'" Sam said when he saw the couple walk in. Callen did the same.

"Mornin' Guys" deeks greeted. The couple placed their stuff on their desks before walking over to Hetty's desk. When she saw the two partners approaching, she gave a soft smile letting them know they could come over. Seeing her wordless greeting, they walked over.

"Good morning Mr, and " she said,"What can I do for you?"

"Well Hetty we have an announcement that we want the whole team to hear" Kensi explained

Their boss nodded slowly in understatement,"Of course"

Deeks walked with Hetty back to the bullpen, and Kensi walked up stairs to ops to get Eric and Nell.

The team gathered in the bullpen to hear the couples news.

"Okay," Kensi started," we promised that when we found out some news about the baby, you guys would be the first to know. So, yesterday we went to the doctor. We were told that both of our babies are healthy."

The team stood in front of them shocked.

Sam laughed with joy for the couple,"Congradulations guys," he walked over and gave deeks a man hug, and kensi a soft yet loving hug. Callen,Eric, and Nell did the same.

Hetty also smiled and congradulated the couple.

The Rest of the day was slow. Kensi had been on desk duty for obviouse reasons, and had no paperwork. So she sat next to her husband, and tried to find ways to waste time.

Later that day, Kensi and Deeks were at their desk. Callen and Sam had gone up to ops with Eric and Nell, leaving Kensi and Deeks alone in the bullpen. Deeks had looked up from his paperwork, and tried to give his eyes a break. He leaned back in his chair and looked at Kensi. She was on her laptop, looking at baby names. Deeks smiled. He hadn't even thought about that yet. Deeks moved his chair closer to his wife and grabbed the free hand that was sitting in her lap.

"Whatcha' doin'?" He asked softly, while intertwining their hands.

She moved her eyes from the screen, to her husband.

"Well, it occured to me that we have done everything but this." She answered at the same volume Deeks had spoken in before.

"Got any ideas?" She asked

"Well let's start with if they are a bit and a girl." he said

tey thought for a moment before Deeks spoke again, wearing a smirk,

"Fern and Max" he said

She looked at him and smiled, but also gave him a glare. But than her expression changed, like what he had said wasn't such a bad idea.

"Seriously?" He asked surprised

She shrugged,"Well not Fern! I will not do that to our daughter, if we have one. We could find another name for a girl, but Max, I like that."

Deeks smiled, Max Deeks, he liked it to.

"Alright, we got a possible boy name. Now we need a girl" deeks said

This time, they went on the computer and looked.

Deeks pointed to a name as they were scrolling,"look at that one." He said softly

Kensi looked at it for a moment,"Chloe Deeks" she smiled,"I like it"

Deeks smiled,"we're all good," he leaned forward and kissed her cheek softly.

Picking names was just the beginning, they still had TONS of things to do before those babies came! But they were ready for the challenges, they were ready for the roller coaster that is parenting.

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