Chapter 13

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I finally added in some Neric! Hope you like it.

Eric turned in his bed and slowly opened his eyes. He squinted them shut again as the morning sun blinded him. As his eyes adjusted he sat up and put on his glasses. He looked beside him expecting to see his sleeping wife, but only saw the empty messed bedside. He got up and made his way to his daughters room. He smiled when he saw Nell standing in front of Mia's crib with their tiny daughter in her arms. He quietly walked towards her and wrapped his arms around her middle.

Nell smiled as she felt his loving arms around her.

"Hey." She said leaning into him

"Hey." He responded softly

"I came in to check on her a little while ago and she was kind of fussy." She said slowly rocking back and forth.

Eric smiled as he looked into his daughters Hazel eyes. Just like Nell's.

"Here." He whispered

Eric moved so he was next to His wife and daughter and took his daughter into his arms. She looked up at him as he cradled her in his arms. A blank expression on her face with her pacifier in her mouth. He lightly bounced her up and down.

"Hey sweetie." He whispered to her

Nell smiled as she watched her husband and daughter. Feeling her eyes on him he looked up.

"What?" He asked

She shook her head,

"Nothin'. Just pretty fond of this sight." She smiled

He returned a soft smile and looked back down at his daughter. She was so perfect. Mia and Nell were the best things that ever happen to him.

"You okay?" Nell asked breaking him away from his thoughts. He looked up and walked forward.

"Yeah." He leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips,"Perfect."

Kensi was sitting at the table with Chloe and Aiden eating breakfast. Aiden was eating his Cheerios with his fingers. While his sister was doing the same beside him.

"Mommy when is daddy coming home?" Aiden asked

Kensi sighed,

"I'm not sure baby. But hopefully soon." She said smoothing his hair down.

He went back to his Cheerios. Kensi watched as they ate their breakfast. They've never gone a day without their father. This was hard for the three of them. Especially Kensi. They never spent much time apart. The longest they've been apart was when Kensi went to Afghanistan years ago.

She broke away from her thoughts and saw that Chloe and Aiden's bowls were empty.

"You two munchkins done?" She asked standing up

"Yeah." They both nodded.

"Alright. You two go in your room and play for a minute. I'll be in soon." She said taking them away from the table

"Okay." They said as they ran off.

Kensi took their bowls and washed them in the sink. She had just finished when she heard her phone ringing. She quick dried her hands and picked up her phone. She smiled at the caller ID.

"Hey." She answered

"Hey sunshine." She heard on the other end. She could hear the grin on Deeks' face.

"When did you get in?" She said walking toward the twins room.

"A couple of hours ago. I slept for a good 4 hours."

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