Chapter 6

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Kensi was sitting in the hospital bed when Deeks walked in,

"Okay, I just called everyone." He said sitting down next to his wife.

She nodded

He tilted his head and looked at her, "Kens you okay?"

Again,she nodded, "Yeah."

He knew what was wrong,"Kens, it's okay to be nervous." He said grabbing her hand.

She squeezed it, happy how he always try's to make her feel better.

"I know. But what if something happens I Mean-" she rambled

Deeks cut her off and cupped her face,"Shh, that is not going to happen. We are gonna have two healthy, beautiful babies. They will be fine, and you will be fine." He said soothingly

She smiled and squeezed his hand again,

"I Love you so much" she said

"I Love too Kensalina." He said leaning forward to kiss her.

When they broke apart, Sam, Callen, and Hetty walked in. Followed by Eric and his Wife.

"How ya feelin' Kensi?" Nell asked

She smiled at her friend and nodded," I'm Good"

"I have to say, I would have never thought I would see you in a hospital, about to give birth to twins." Callen said with a smirk

"But we're happy for you two." Sam said next

"Thanks guys." Deeks said

"So just to make things official, we have some questions for you guys." Kensi said

They nodded.

"Nell," Deeks started," Will you be the aunt and God mother to the twins?" He asked with a smile.

She nodded immediately,"Of coarse I will" she smiled.

"Eric, Callen, Sam," Kensi said," Will you be the Uncles and the god fathers?"

They nodded with smiles,"Hear that Uncle G" Sam said nudging his partner with a smirk.

Callen shook his head.

Next the couple turned to Hetty,

"Hetty," Deeks said, "Will you be the Grandma?"

A smile appeared on the women's face,

"I would be honored." She said

A doctor came in and interrupted them,

"Hi, I'm dr. Smith and I'm sorry but I'm gonna need only the parents in the room at the moment." He said

They team walked out.

"Okay ," Dr. Smith started," I'm gonna just take a look on where we are."

He lifted the blanket and checked. He came up and smiled,

"Okay, We're ready to push." He said leaving for a moment to get another doctor.

Kensi exhaled and tightened her grip on Deeks hand.

"Alright, it's gonna be okay." He said

Before she knew it, the Doctor spoke,

"Okay Mrs. Deeks when I say, I'm gonna need you to push nice and hard okay?"

She nodded and swallowed.

"Okay Push." He announced

She gave a big, hard push.

A while later

She felt like it was never gonna end. Finally she had heard the words she had been waiting to hear.

"Okay Mrs. Deeks one last big push and the 2nd baby is out."

She pushed her final push,

"Last one Kens, your doing great!" Deeks encouraged holding her hand.

Finally, the sound of the second babies cries filled the room.

Another little while later

Kensi woke up in her hospital room and saw her husband looking at her with a soft smile, his hand still in hers.

"Hey" she smiled

"Hey." He said brushing away a stray piece of hair, " You did great."

As she sat up, two doctors walked in, with babies in their arms.

Kensi smiled as one baby was handed was handed to her.

Deeks smiled too, as the other baby was handed to him.

In Kensi's arm rested their little baby boy. In Deeks' arms rested their little baby girl.

"Hey little guy" Kensi whispered to the sleeping baby.

"She's so beautiful," Deeks said softly looking at his daughter.

"So, the names we agreed on?" She asked careful not to wake the twins.

He nodded,"Yeah, those names were perfect."

After a moment, Sam and Callen walked in with Eric and Nell and Hetty.

Kensi smiled," Hey guys."

"This is a sight to see." Sam smiled

"Congrats guys," Eric said

"Thanks," Deeks said

Kensi looked up from her son, "You wanna hold them?" She asked the team

After getting nods, Deeks handed their baby girl to Sam, who was closest. Kensi handed their baby boy to Callen, who was closest to her.

Sam smiled at his niece, "She beautiful"

Deeks looked at Kensi,"She gets that from her mother."

She smiled.

Callen chuckled," This is one handsome kid." He said

Kensi smiled," He gets that from his father."

Deeks smirked

"Do they have names?" Sam asked

Kensi smiled,"Sam, you are holding Chloe Eve Deeks.

"And Callen, you have Aiden Donald Deeks."

The babies went to each team member before returning to their parents.

After the team left. Kensi and Deeks were sitting in the hospital room with their children.

"They really are perfect." Kensi said looking at Aiden

Deeks nodded, " yeah they are." He kissed Chloe's head softly

They sat there for what felt like forever, with their two, beautiful, perfect babies.

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