Chapter 9

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Deeks woke up to the sound of his alarm clock beeping. He rubbed his eyes before hitting his hand on the snooze button. After turning his clock off he heard a two tiny giggles. He turned his head and instead of seeing his wife, he saw his 8 months old twin. He laughed and picked up his daughter who was laying closest.

"How did you get in here chlo?" He asked softly

Chloe answered with another giggle. Aiden had seen his father with his sister and wanted the attention too. He crawled over to his father and layed his head on his leg. Deeks laughed and placed Chloe down on his lap. He picked up Aiden and placed him on the other side of his lap,

"Don't worry buddy, I didn't forget you." He kissed his sons head

Kensi had been standing in the doorframe watching her family with a smile on her face,

"Well this is a sight to see." She said

Deeks looked up and smiled at his wife,

"Mommy's here!" Deeks said looking down at his children.

Chloe looked up at her mother who had just laid down beside them on the bed.

" " she said slowly

Deeks and Kensi looked at each other.

"Oh my god." Kensi said

Deeks laughed,

"Chloe who's that?" He asked pointing at Kensi

"Mame" she said in one word this time.

Kensi smiled and took her daughter into her arms.

"Oh baby your first word! I'm so proud of you!" She said

Kensi and Deeks never realized that experiencing their children's big moments would be so exciting. Their first steps, first words, all of their firsts, they never knew that they would feel so excited.

They spent the rest of their Saturday together, doing all kinds if different things with each other. Kensi walked into the living and saw her husband on the floor. She walked into the room more and smiled when she saw her two kids around him. He was holding Aiden up in the air, pretending he was flying.

"Alright buddy, time for the landing!" He made airplane noises as he slowly brought him to the ground. Chloe was sitting next to them patiently waiting her turn. She giggled when he took her into his arms and lifted her into the air. Aiden stood up and ran over to Kensi when he noticed her watching.

"Mame!" He squealed running over

She smiled and lifted him up as he came over.

Hearing his son, Deeks turned his head and looked at Kensi. He stood up and walked over with Chloe in his arms.

"You wanna fly too Kens?" He said with a smirk

She smiled and shook her head,

"No thanks." She said

"Mommy!" Chloe said reaching her hand out

Kensi smiled and grabbed her daughters hand and kissed her head,

"Hi sweetie."

She giggled. Deeks sniffled and looked at Kensi. They both lifted the baby in their hands and smelled them. Kensi nodded,

"It's me." She said making a face. She started to turn around and walk toward the nursery.

"You need a diaper change little guy!" She looked at her son.

Deeks smiled as he watched the two disappear into the room. He looked down at his daughter who had her head on his chest. He leaned down and kissed her head before walking to go sit down on the couch.

Kensi returned with her freshly changed son and started making her way toward the couch when the phone rang. She turned back around and went to get the phone.

"Hello" she answered

Deeks watched as she listened to the voice on the other end.

"When?" She asked

She nodded,"okay, well be there soon." She hung up and looked at Deeks.

"Who was that?" He asked

She walked over,"Callen, Nell's in labor,"

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