Chapter 8

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7 months later

Deeks was at his desk in the bullpen doing paperwork with Callen and Sam, when Nell came down. She was walking slowly, taking her time.

"Hey" she greeted

Sam looked up, "Hey. How's our mommy to be?" He asked with a smirk.

Yes, it's true! Nell is pregnant. 6 months pregnant with, obviously, Eric's baby.

"Good!" She said with a smile,"Just bored."

"Why don't you bother your husband, that's fun even for us." Callen said

She raised her eyebrows,"your right." She said turning around and walking up stairs.

They laughed. Just as Nell disappeared upstairs, Kensi walked in with Chloe and Aiden on each side if her hip. Seeing them walk in, Deeks got up and walked toward them,

"There they are. How's my little man?" He asked picking up his son.

He laughed at the little baby sound he made. Sam and Callen got up to greet the babies.
Chloe made a huff like noise. Kensi laughed,

"Deeks" she said looking at her daughter

He handed his son to Sam, who was waiting to greet his nephew, and took his daughter in his arms,

"Don't worry baby girl I could never forget you," he kissed her blonde wispy hair,"How's my princess?" He asked softly

Deeks loved both of his kids more than anything. Kensi knew that, but he had a soft spot for Chloe. She was a daddies girl. But she loved how close they were.

Deeks handed Chloe to Callen,

"How's my favorite little niece?" He asked kissing her cheek

The rest of the day was slow. Chloe and Aiden were on the floor next to the Deeks desk.

Deeks looked up from his work to give his eyes a rest, when he noticed what his son was trying to do.

He placed his hand on his wife's arm beside him,

"Kens look at Aiden." He said quietly

She turned to look at what had Deeks was so interested in.

"Oh my god." She said to shocked to say anything else.

"Guys look." Kensi said getting Sam and Callens attention.

They turned and saw their nephew. Aiden had his hands on a bench near him and he was standing himself up. He fully turned his body around and was now facing his father. Deeks turned his chair to face him and held his hands out,

"Come on Aiden," he encouraged, "Come to daddy."

Aiden took a small step in front of him and almost fell, but managed to keep his balance. Deeks let out a chuckle of joy as he took another step. He took another, and another, and than finally he was one step away from landing in his fathers arms. He started to take the last step, but stumbled falling, but stopped when Deeks picked him up.

"That's my little man! I'm so proud of you." He said

Callen and Sam laughed with joy. Kensi took her son into her arms and kissed his head,

"Good job baby, mommy's so proud of you!" She cooed

Nell was sitting at her computer in ops when she heard the rolling of a desk chair coming toward her. Eric's chair soon appeared beside her and he had a smile on his face. He placed his hand on her stomach,

"So? How are we doin'" he asked

She chuckled and placed her hand over his,

"Good. Really good actually. I mean after my whole sick week last week I'v felt fine!" She smiled

He kissed her quickly before giving her another smile,


He rolled back to his desk and continued with his work.

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