Chapter 6//Rumors

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A/N: only used the song above (skip song to 1:25) because the Dolan twins used it in their 4ou Tour.
Still can't believe YouTube took down the video 😭. R.I.P 4ou.
Nikki's POV
I woke up and showered.
After the shower I changed into my outfit for the day
(Outfit below)

After the shower I changed into my outfit for the day(Outfit below)

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I put my hair in loose beach waves and put on my adidas.
I walk downstairs to see Kayla and Darla sipping on some coffee
"Morning" I say sitting down on the couch
"Morning" they both reply
"So what gender do you think your baby is" Kayla asks me
"Hmmmm.....maybe a boy" I reply
"I think it's a girl" Darla says
After that i drive to barns and noble because i actually enjoy reading. As I look for a book my eyes land on a magazine that had a rumor about me it read
Nikki Rivers Pregnant?!
I instantly freak out and call Kayla since she didn't come with me to barns and noble.
"Kayla we have a problem" I say
"What happened" she says
"I think I'll show you" I tell her and hang up.
I buy all the magazines in the store since I don't want people knowing even thought there are over 1 million in the world at least the people won't find out in this store.
As I'm paying for them the cashier realizes I'm in the magazine
"Oh my gawd" she says freaking out
"Can I have a photo with you" she says
"Of course" I say with a kind smile and take a picture with her.
I park on the side of my house and walk as fast as I can and open the house door
"EMERGENCY FAMILY MEETING" I yell and my whole family comes downstairs including Kayla and Darla.
They all take a seat in the living room
"Close your eyes everyone" I say and hand them all a copy of the magazine
"Okay now open them" I say
They all look at the magazine
"Oh my god" my mom says since she and my dad came back from vacation
"It was gunna come sooner or later nikki" mike says
Then the door bell rings. I open it and see Shawn.
"Come in" I say and he comes in.
We fill him in on what happened
"I think you should just tell them now, so you don't have all this stress on you" he says
"Your right, I'll do it tomorrow morning"
I say and walk upstairs.
Grayson's POV
"ETHAN" I yell as he walks over to me
"What" he says
"Look" I say pointing to a video on YouTube rumoring about Nikki being pregnant
"Woah" he says
"Click play" he says and I click play and the video starts playing
"That's right people the instagram and magazine model Nikki Rivers is rumored to be pregnant, but who's the father. Stay tuned" the lady says and the video ends
"Do you think she actually is pregnant" I ask
"I don't know man, but your to late to get her back if she is"  Ethan says
"It's not like I wanted her back, she's a fucken slut to be getting pregnant at 18" I say and close the laptop and run upstairs.
(A/N: I didn't mean to offend anyone)
Shawn's POV
I'm going to ask her out tomorrow.
I don't know how but I am. I don't want her baby to be growing up without a father and plus I've had feelings for nikki ever since we met. And I know I'm ready for the commitment of being a "father".

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