Chapter 13//Couple of kids

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Shawn's POV
"Are you Okay" I ask her

"Yeah I'm fine, I just don't want to deal with the pain again" she says

"Can Ali sit next to me" she says and my eyes go wide

"You Remember her name" I say with excitement

"Oh my gosh your right, I also remember that I have twins but I don't remember you" she says sadly and a small frown forms

"Can I see pictures of us" she asks and I show her photos of us

"This is one of us on our first date,Your Ice cream fell and you wouldn't stop whining until I got you another one" I say while we both laugh at the memories

"Anything yet" I ask hopefully

"I'm sorry no" she says.


Nikki's POV

"Wake up shawn" I say

"I'm awake" he says

"Where are the twins" he says freaking out

"Kayla and Darla took them" I say

"I thought some-" he was saying but I cut him off by giving him a kiss

"I remember" I say with a giant smile

"Thank god I thought I lost you" he says with an even bigger smile kissing me back.

"I'll go get the doctor" he says and leaves the room

"Mommy" the twins says and come running up to me

"Hey sweeties" I say to them and wrap them in my ears. I honestly wonder if the twins are the only reason that me and Grayson are in touch. I feel like the twins are our only connection.
But then I feel something else.

"The doctor says we can take you home" Shawn says walking in with darla and Kayla

"We brought you clothes so you can get out if those hospital clothes" Darla says handing me a bag of clothes

"Thanks" I say with a smile. I walk into the restroom and change

 I walk into the restroom and change

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"Feels good to be back" I say with a smile as I enter me and Shawn's house.
3 hours later

"I'm gunna go get chipotle" i tell Shawn

"I'll go with you" he says

We both grab on to the twins hands and make our way out to door and to chipotle.

We order and a few fans come and ask for photos.

"Remember Shawn tomorrows our flight back to California" I tell him

"I was just about to remind you" he says holding my hand

"You know I love you right" he says to me and I smile

"And you know I love you more" I reply

We eat our food and go back home.
I bath the twins and put them in their pajamas.
They soon fall asleep leaving me and Shawn awake.

"We should sleep" he says yawning

"Yeah we should" I say but I then get a phone call

"Hold on let me take this" I tell Shawn and walk out of the room.

"Hello" I ask

"Nikki it's Grayson" grayson says through the phone

"I need you to forgive me" he says

"Are you out of your mind" I whisper yell

"No but I'm crazy for you, I never stopped loving you. I even broke up with Sophia just to be with you" he says in tears

"I'm sorry Grayson but I can't forgive after all the pain you have caused me over and over again" I say my eyes tearing up

"I promise If you give me one more chance I won't hurt you ever again" he says crying

"Just like you kept the promise of not forgetting me and coming back for me" I say

"Look Grayson when we dated we were 16 we were just a couple of kids who didn't even know what love was. You told me you weren't gunna forget about you did. You've hurt me way to many times you can't just say sorry and accept me to give you my full trust again" I say

"Nikki please" He says crying and I hang up quickly wiping a tear that had fallen.

I walk back to me and Shawns room

"Who was it" he asks

"No one important" I say

"Alright well I'm gunna sleep I'm so tired" he says and falls quickly asleep.

I soon also decide to sleep.
A/N: this chapter was short and it's not really good. Hopefully next one is longer

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