Chapter 14//Sparks

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Nikki's POV
I wake up and check my phone, it's 7:50. Our plane leaves at 9.

I get up and since Shawn is still asleep and also the twins I shower.

I then change into a comfortable outfit since I'm going to be on plane for 5 hours.

I then change into a comfortable outfit since I'm going to be on plane for 5 hours

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I then make breakfast for the twins and Shawn.
I make some bacon and pancakes. Just about when I was gunna flip the pancake Shawn comes down with the twins.

"Good morning" he says giving me a kiss

"I made breakfast" I say and the twins cheer

"Thanks" Shawn says again giving me a quick peck on the cheek


After eating we head to the airport.
We take out seats in the plane which thankfully our tickets are next To each other.

I basically sleep the whole ride along with the twins and Shawn.

5 hours later

"I missed you" my mom says

"Same her mom" I say as she gives me and the twins a kiss on the cheek and gives Shawn a hug.

We take pictures with a few fans and hurry into my moms car before the paparazzi come. We drive to my mom and dads house. No me and Shawn don't live together.

"Home sweet home" I say as I open the door to the house

I put the twins down on the couch and yell

"MIKE AND HAN YOUR FAVORITE PERSON HAS ARRIVED" I yell jokingly and they come running down the stairs and tackle me down in a hug

"We missed you so much" they say

"We've also missed you little cuties" they say walking towards the twins and carrying them

"Nice seeing you again Shawn" han says, han always shipped me with Grayson even after everything but she still supports me and Shawn

"You to" Shawn says with a warm smile.

We all sit down in the living room and watch some movies. I hear little footsteps from upstairs signaling the twins are awake so I go upstairs and get them.

As I'm walking into my room upstairs I noticed that the Dolans house next door was louder than usual since my window was open I could hear.

"NO GIVE ME THE REMOTE YOU ALWAYS GET TO CHOSE"'I hear some one yell and then the voice sounds familiar, Ethan?

I ignore the thought and walk into my room and see brie one the bed but ali playing with some of my old stuffed animals

"You girls hungry yet" I say to them and they shake their head no

"Alright do you wanna watch a movie or go outside" I say

"Ousside!!" They both say excitedly

I take them outside and start taking them to an old spot I used to go to.

We finally get their and they start playin with all the flowers there.
Brie comes up and puts a daisy in my hair

"Thanks brie" I say and put a daisy on her head to.

I grab another daisy to put on ali but when I turn she isn't there. I instantly start freaking out and yell "ALISON" but no one responds

I grab Brie's hand and start searching the spot until my eyes finally lay on ali, but she's not alone.

There I see Grayson with Ali, I run towards her with Brie and take her in my hand.

"Ali I've told you many times not run off" I tell her with a bit Of disappointment in my voice

"She was fine with me" Grayson says and I turn to see him

"And I see you still remember our spot" he says and I stay quiet

"You can't ignore me forever" he says

"Look Grayson I don't know where your trying to get with this but just leave me and the twins alone" I say irritated

"I promise she was fine with me" he says defensively

"JUST STOP....with the promises" I say

"Look nikki just give me one more chance, I deserve time with the twins, I'm their dad" he says sadly.

I sit the twins down and talk to Grayson while they play with the flowers

"Right now the twins think their actual dad is Shawn and I want to keep it that way" I say

"I'm the actual father I deserve to be with them" he says

"Fine you'll get time with them" I say

"Oh and ummm......are we gunna tell the world I'm the actual father" he says

"No" I say

"You can get the day tomorrow with the twins" I say and a huge smile appears on his face.

He starts walking towards me and then he hugs with, I hug him back. That moment I realized how much I really truly did miss him.

"Thank you so much" he says to me and I smile back.

Grayson's POV
I hugged her and she didn't pull away. The moment my arms wrapped around her my heart fluttered and I didn't want to let go of her, not again. But I knew I had to for now atleast.

"Thank you so much" I say with a smile on my face and she smiles back.

I felt the sparks that I felt the first time I laid eyes on her at the airport.

Nikki's POV
I felt the sparks. But I was to afraid to admit it.

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