Chapter 15//

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Nikki's POV
"WAKE UP" I hear someone scream which makes me instantly wake up

"I should have known it was you mike" I say throwing a pillow at him as he walks out of the room.

I walk into the twins room still in my sweats and hoodie. I see them still sleeping since it's early but since mike woke me up here I am wide awake.

I go downstairs knowing the twins won't wake up in an hour or two.

"Good morning Han" I say to her

"So I heard you let Grayson be with the twins" she says

"Yes I did" I say while pouring some coffee in a mug

"Today is gunna be their first say with him and Ethan" I say

"I'm actually surprised that Shawn agreed" she says and my eyes go wide

"Don't tell me to forgot to tell him" han says

" just make a call real quick" I say heading out of the living room and into the front yard.

I dial Shawn's phone number

"Good morning" I say

"Morning" he says

"So I'm letting Grayson be with the twins" I say really fast

"Can you repeat that slower I think I didn't hear right" he says

"Well I'm letting the twins be with Grayson" I say slower

"Nikki are sure" he asks

"Yes?" I reply

"I'm not sure it's a good idea, he did hurt you" he says

"Shawn it'll be okay" I reassure him

"Okay then I'll call you later" he says.

No I love you? Strange. I shake it off and walk back into the house and see mike watching Teen Wolf

"Thanks for waking me up" I say in sarcasm to mike

"Any day" he says keeping his eyes glued to the tv.

I head upstairs and shower. After my shower I change into my outfit

As I'm putting on my shoes I get a call from Ethan

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As I'm putting on my shoes I get a call from Ethan.


"Hey gray wanted to know what time to get the twins?" He asks

"In about an hour is good" I say

"Okay thanks bye" he says and hangs up.

The twins finally wake up.
I get them in the shower and after change them into their outfits.

I brush their hair and put it into 2 French braids.

I then head downstairs with them and make them some food.

"What do you girls want from breakfast" I say with a smile

"BACON" they yell excitedly

"Okay okay" I say with a small laugh and cook the bacon

After they finish eating I hear a knock at the door.

I open it and it reveals Grayson with 3 teddy bears

"Hey Nikki I came to pick up the twins, I'm not sure if I can to early I can go" he says

"You actually came on time, come in" I say steeping out of the way to he can come in.

He sees the twins in the living room so walks over there.

"Hey girls" he says giving them each a teddy bear. He then walks up to me

"This is for you" he says handing me a teddy bear with a small smile

"Thanks" I say

"So since the twins don't really know you, I'm gonna have to tell them that Shawn isent really their dad and that you are" I say and he nods

"Ali Brie can you come into the kitchen please" I call them and a couple seconds later they walk In with the teddy bear that Grayson gave them

"Okay well.......there's something I've been wanting to tell you and........Shawn isn't your actual dad, Grayson is" I say and point and Grayson.

The twins expression was obviously happy, since there to young to understand.

"Okay you can't take them for the the day Grayson" I say

"Thanks I'll bring them back at 7"he says and leads them out the door with him. And then there I was alone without Shawn.

I decided to call him but no answer.

I then decided to check my social media.

Grayson's POV
I took the twins out for some ice cream and then we ran into some fans.

"OMG GRAYSON CAN I HAVE A PHOTO" a girl with curly red hair asks me

"Sure" I say and take the picture with her, Ethan the twins were with him looking for a table

"Isn't that Shawn and Nikki's Twin daughters" she asks me

"GRAY LETS GO" I hear Ethan yell signaling me to get in the car with him and the twins

"It was nice meeting you" I say with a smile and get into the car.

"Thanks for saving me" I tell him

"No problem, but you do realize you and Nikki have to talk about telling the fans that the twins are yours and not Shawn's" he says

"I know" I sigh.

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