Sarah violet

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Species: human
Gender: female
Age: 27
Eye colour: hazel
Hair colour: light brown
Height: 5'6"
Sexuality: unknown might be bisexual
Occupation: hunter
Family: deceased, adopted her brother Garrett
Favourite colour: blue
Car: 1969 chevelle SS

Used to hunt solo before she met Garrett
50/10 in love with sofiel but shows it subtly
Calls sofiel sofi


My story starts out like any other story; except my story doesn't have much of a happy beginning. I had just turned 13 when my life went to hell. A day after my birthday was when my parents died and I found out they were hunters.

They were killed by a werewolf that I had tracked and killed a year after their death. That's when I met Diana. Diana became like a surrogate mom to me for the majority of my teenage years. She was about 32, I think. We hunted together for a while and she taught me everything i know.

It wasn't until a wendigo hunt that I realized you can't save everyone. During that hunt all of the victims were dead or eaten before we had arrived. Our prediction was one wendigo but it turned out to be three. Diana and I took out two of them together but..... The third one.... It got her before she could kill it. I had gotten caught by its claws and she was protecting me. I had grabbed her flare gun and killed it, but by then I knew she wasn't going to make it.

She had already lost too much blood and energy from fighting the first two. I was 17 when she died.... I distanced myself from anyone and everyone to assure I didn't get attached to them, cause around me they'll just end up dead. I got my anti possession tattoo when I turned 19, though I still wore the necklace that Diana gave me. I went solo for the next 9 years, taking out several different monsters, from nests of vampires to groups of demons.

Now lets jump to the present.

I've been going through a grieving period recently, I guess all the weight of my past finally crashed on me. Due to this I wasn't surprised that I ended up getting captured by the nest I was exterminating. I had already given up on being saved, the consequences of going solo means no back up if and when things go wrong.

I heard a door slam in the distance and soft thuds. The sounds could either be footsteps, or heads were rolling. I didn't put much hope into the latter. I waited about ten minutes before the door to my room was opened and light was shined in my face.

I squinted and spoke up, "hey genius, get that flashlight outta my eyes before I go blind." the flashlight quickly flicked away from my face and the person walked closer. "Were you bit?" they asked, the voice was male but most obviously younger than me.

"If I was would I be tied up?" I replied, my voice heavy with sarcasm. He came over and untied me and I stood up, rubbing my wrists. I nodded toward him and began to walk toward the doorway, "did you make sure you killed all of them? I don't fancy getting ambushed" I asked as I looked back at him from the doorway. He nodded as he briskly walked to catch up with me.

"What's your name kid?"

"Garrett, and you?"

I nodded slightly and supplied him with only my last name. "Violet. Come on, lets get out of here" I walked out if the nest and climbed into my 1969 chevelle SS while Garrett hopped into his jeep wrangled unlimited. I drove to the local bar, hoping to hustle some cash in pool or darts. I noticed that instead of heading to one of the motels, Garrett followed me. I pulled into the driveway and he parked next to me.

Now lets skip forward a couple years.

Garrett and j became a team, although in the beginning I didn't really show much kindness. I wasn't used to having a partner after 9 years. At that time I still went by my old motto, "don't get attached. You'll lose them". It wasn't until another hunt at a nest that it changed.

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