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I walked down the hall holding my books to my chest closely looking down at the floor avoiding the eyes that followed me. I accidentally bumped into a couple kids as they turned around and pushed me again.

"Watch where you're going idiot!" He shouted.

"I-I'm sorry" I mumbled.

"What the hell did you say to me!?" He said grabbing my shirt and pulling me off the floor.

"I said I'm sorry! Please put me down" I screamed flailing my arms back and forth.

"Hey! Put her down!" I heard someone scream.

They came running over pushing the bully to the floor as I tumbled to the ground myself. I coughed and felt my body shake.

"What the hell did you say to me?!" The boy screamed again.

"I said leave her alone!" He shouted pushing the bully once again.

The principal shouted at all of us from the end of the hallway and the nice boy grabbed my arm helping me up as we started to run away. I stumbled with him around the corner as we both panted heavily.

"Are you okay?" He asked looking at me up and down.

"Uhm yeah. Thanks" I said smiling a little.

"Don't let them get to you, and make sure you go down the other hall to avoid them" he said smiling at me.

"Oh right... I'm y/n" I said sticking out my hand throwing my backpack over my shoulder.

"I'm Mike" he replied shaking my hand back.

I smiled and looked at my feet.

"What class do you have next?" He asked.

"I have math"

"Oh really? Same! Do you wanna walk together there then?" He shrugged shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Oh uh yeah sure" I smiled again.

"Cool, some of my friends are in that class. They're really nice you'll like them" he nodded proudly.

"Oh okay cool"

We walked into the classroom together and sat next to a group of other kids. One of them looked at me and smiled.

"Just letting you know if you hang out with us you're considered a loser" the one with the glasses spoke.

I chuckled a little as Mike smiled at me.

"I'm okay with that" I shrugged as the bell rang.

We all turned toward the teacher as she spoke about logarithms.


The loser club, as they call themselves, we're headed downtown to get some ice cream. Mike and I walked ahead of the pack and I couldn't help but smiled every time he looked at me.

"Hey uh- Y/N, do you maybe wanna go to the movies sometime?" He asked nervously.

"With the gang? Sure!" I nodded a little more excited.

"No I mean-" he cleared his throat. "Just with me? Like a- a date?"

I stopped and looked at him as I felt my cheeks warm up. He blushed madly while looking at the floor playing with his hands.

"I'd love to Mike" I replied calmly yet happily.

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